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Vadas POV:

After I had finished I went back strange to my dressing room so tired
"omg vade. That was amazing." Izzy says jumping up and down and grabbing my hands
"for real like damn since when could you play guitar like that girl" Lucas says a lil bit too zesty....
"Like always you just never pay attention" Cade says
Lucas scoffs and rolls his eyes
"But anyway you were amazing vade you defo made him mad" Cade says smiling
"I know right did you see his face!" Lucas says laughing
"I swear I looked at one point and it was like a tomato!" Izzy says laughing even more and they all start dieing

I'm just sitting there trying to recollect not only my breath since it tired me out, but my thoughts
"Hey vade..what wrong did you not think you did good?" Izzy asks after she's finished with her little laughing moment, since I haven't said anything.
"Yeah..I..I just can't believe that just happened" I say kinda zoned out
"And I can't fucking AWESOME IT WAS" I say smiling and laughing
"I KNOW YOU WERE ON FIRE!!" Izzy says jumping up and down again and I join her

Then we hear a knock on the door and our manager
marie comes in.
"What. The. Hell" She says in shock of what does happened
"!!" I say cause I didn't think about this..
"what. Was. That." She says sternly
"Well- I" I say not knowing what to say
"And. Why. Did. You. Not. Do. It. SOONER!?" She says smiling and all excited at the last word and clapping
"Oh that wasn't the reaction I was expecting.." I say confused
"why how did you think I would be...mad?" She says even more confused and laughing a bit
"well yeah..?" We all say in unison
"Jinx's!" Lucas says and we all just look at him...
"Anyway thanks Lucas for that.....why would I be mad that was awesome!!" She says with a big smile
"Well I kinda changed the whole plan and kind of just sang a song dissing my ex...on live front of like probably millions of people"
I say cringing a little at the thought
"Yeah but that was good publicity and plus that guitar solo was amazing!!" She says smiling even more
"It definitely caught the attention of some people!" She says wiggling her eyebrows and acting all giddy and excited
"what do you mean..?" I ask confused
"well-" then we hear a knock at the door.


Toms POV:

the song was over and they had left the stage.
"well that was crazy" I say amazed
"I know! We have to properly meet them." Bill says seriously
"Yea- wait what." I say shocked and confused at the random seriousness
"I need to meet them now. Especially after that." He says even more serious
"How we gonna do that" I say as we are leaving our seats
"oh..well em" Bill says confused
"There! That's there manager I think" He points to a lady how looks like she is rushing
"Quick! I need to get her attention!" He says running to her

once we all have caught up with her
"Hello- Miss!" Bill says trying to caught his breath as he's not very sporty...
"Oh..hello..Omg Tokio Hotel. Hello!" She says surprised that we are just randomly in-front of her
"Oh hello! Sorry to bother but I saw you and your the manager of Rapture am I correct..?" Bill questions
"Oh yes I am! What can I do for you boys?" She answers with a smile
"Well we were wondering If we could possibly meet Rapture..? If it's not a bother!" Bill asks with hopefulness and a little bit of shyness in his question

"Oh well. Yes that should be completely fine! If you would just give me 5minutes to speak to them!" she says and runs off in a hurry
"oh uh- okay!" Bill replies unsure how to respond as she was running away
"Omg..!" Bill says
"We are meeting RAPTURE!!!!" He says and claps

This will be interesting


Vadas POV:

As we hear a knock Marie's face lits up and she hurry's to the door and opens it
There they were just Tokio hotel standing in the doorway of our dressing room

"Come in! Come in!" Marie says rushing them in
"So guys Tokio hotel wanted to meet you so I'll leave you kids to it!!" she says and hurry's off again

I look around and I just see izzy look shocked and like she's in a trance
"I-Izzy..?" I say waving my hand i front of her face.
she doesn't move .
"Izzy!" Cade says and just pushes her into me
"Hey! don't touch her" I say grabbing izzy and she snaps out of it
"Omg! Hey! sorry. that is so embarrassing...anyway!!! Hello!!!!" She says standing normally again and starting to rambling and getting too excited
"oh..hello!!" Bill says a smile forming on his face and acting a little bit shy round izzy making me smirk
"Hello! I know we already met but i guess this a less formal way!" She says laughing and not really knowing what to say and making it kinda awkward

"um..anyway..." I say awkwardly
"Yeah..anyway.." Lucas says as he got the same awkward vibe
"hey.." I say not rely knowing what to say either
"Hello!! again.." Bill says with a smile still on his face but still awkward
"Anyway..Vada I loved your performance it was amazing!! I don't think I've ever really heard you sing let a lone live! it was truly amazing." Bill says walking over to me expressing his true feelings
"Yeah it was totally awesome" Gustav says and Georg agrees. Ngl kinda forgot the other ones where there..

"Yeah..your guitar skills where good ig.." Tom says looking me dead in the eye and a smirk
"I guess..?" I say raising my eyebrows
"Yeah..could've been better.." Tom says with that same look and smirk
"Yeah well Id like to see you try that" I say with a slight scoff but keeping eye contact
"Oh really?" He says not him raising the eyebrows and tilting his head back
"yeah." I say as we maintain eye contact acting like there's not other people in the room

"wow..okay!" Lucas says
"Is it getting hot in here or is just me!" He says fanning himself and puffing out his cheeks
"I hear you brother!" Georg says with a laugh and high fiveing Georg
"shut up!" me and tom say at the same time breaking eye contact and looking at them, then we just look back at each other and smirk as he plays with his lip ring as I look at the ground

"They even speak at the same time and say the same thing! Maybe vada should be ur twin and not me..." Bill says laughing
"Shush bill" Tom says pushing his shoulder making me laugh a little

Then again there's the door opening
but this time it's tokio hotels manger as well as marie, our manager
"okay so guys, it's good you have been introducing yourself as we have an Idea.." Tokio hotels manager says
"Yeah so since there has been so much talk about you two bands with interviews and you guys both won awards tonight we thought it could be a good idea..." Marie says then pauses for dramatic effect as she's always dramatic...😒

"For Tokio hotel and Rapture to a collab!!"


Hello guys!!! Finally another chapter is out!! I forced myself to do it for tonight as I'm so sorry I didn't last night like I had said and I didn't wanna keep you guys any longer or disappoint😓😓 I had fell asleep yesterday and didn't get to write at all last night but here we are!! A day late..! But whatever...😒 So hopefully you like this idea and I'm hoping for the next chapter to be out soon like hopefully by round this weekend!! Or just before the next week then Im gonna try make a little system like I said in the last announcement, like I do a chapter for every 2-3days or something?! Do you guys think that's a good idea? Because I think it might make it so this doesn't happen we're I do too many at once then run out of ideas and don't do one for like 2weeks..!😭 Anyway exited for the next chapters as I've got ideas!! Like always if u have any ideas or issues please tell 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Anyway again thansk for your patience and hopefully you like this one and sorry once again..!!

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