Wo sind eure Hände?

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Vadas POV:

"Wo sind eure Hände?" Cade says
"oh my gosh that's one of my favourites!" Izzy says excited
"sorry not gonna lie don't think the rest of us have heard of it.." Cade says and me and lucas nod
"It's okay I don't they have heard of 'Do i wanna know' Either apart from me" Bill says laughing
"okay guys both go you got great choices but now let's get onto learning!" Marie says

"Okay so we are gonna paire you up and your both gonna spilt it in half were one of you teach your song then swap, make sense?" Tokio hotels manager says
We all nod
"Okay so, cade and bill go together obviously since your both the singers, then izzy and gustav, georg and lucas and finally Tom and vada!" Marie says smiling

I roll my eyes and look over to tom who is just staring at me smirking
"Okay guys go find a room!" We will have a break for some food in a while
I just walk on assuming tom will follow to find a spare room
"207...208..209...210" I say counting the rooms until I find mine since we are practicing at our official studio, so all of rapture gets their own personal room to do what you want but mostly practice alone

I look back to see tom walking up so i just nod as a sign to follow me into this room and walk in
"Oh cool" Tom says while walking in and seeing all the posters
"Oh shit these are awesome" He says walking over to the guitars displayed on the wall

I look back to see tom walking up so i just nod as a sign to follow me into this room and walk in "Oh cool" Tom says while walking in and seeing all the posters "Oh shit these are awesome" He says walking over to the guitars displayed on the wall

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"Oh thanks, those are just some mostly the ones I wouldn't use as often, that's why there displayed but my favourite ones are in the actual studio room or at home" I say while pulling out two chars to sit on

"oh well maybe I'll be able to see them somtime" He says smirking and looking at me
"Yeah maybe" I say sarcastically with a fake smile
He just rolls his eyes playfully
"Why have so many" He says
"what?" I reply
"Why have so many guitar if you don't use all of them?" He answers while sitting down on the chair
"hm I don't know to be honest probably mostly because they look nice, and I've got the money for it so why not?" I say and shrug and look at him
"Hm fair" He says and shrugs while looking at me
We just kinda look at eachother until I interrupt it

"So who wants to teach who first" I say while coughing and looking away
"I don't mind" He says while still looking at me
"Well ill teach you first if you want" I say
"Yeah sure" Hé says finally looking away
"Okay so you can borrow a guitar if you want sicne you liked them, there all tuned" I say pointing at the wall of guitars he previously was admiring
"Really? sweet" He says smiling and going over to them

"Can I use this one?" He says pointing to a red guitar
"Yeah whatver one you want" I say slightly smiling at how excited he got
the guitar:

"Can I use this one?" He says pointing to a red guitar "Yeah whatver one you want" I say slightly smiling at how excited he got the guitar:

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