Island boy

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Vadas POV:

We finish the interview and walk backstage and outside towards our car
"What. the. fuck. was. that." I shout in between each word wacking Lucas on the head.
Cade starts laughing at him and izzy is just annoyed
"Stop being so violent vada!" Izzy shouts

"Yeah Vada!" We here someone say and we look over to see the spaghetti noodle boy who's laughing about what he just said and his clan laughing about me hitting Lucas
"Shut the fuck up or your next" I say flipping him off

Izzy just goes over to them and we just follow
"Hey guys!" She says smiling and they all smile back at her
"Hello! your interview was great well done!" Bill says smiling mainly at izzy
"Yeah I'm sure you liked it very much" Tom says making fun of him, nudging and poking him while smirking
I'm really sad to say this but this made me let out a laugh
"Yeah I wouldn't be laughing if I were you vada." Izzy says
And this makes bill laugh
"Whatever" I say rolling my eyes for like the 25th time today

They all start talking mainly just izzy and bill but I'm just peacefully standing there until someone had to interrupt it
"so I heard you wanna be on an Island with me?" I look to my left and see tom standing there with a smirk
"Oh did you? I didn't notice you sitting there with that big obnoxious smirk" I say sassing him
This boy ain't getting me that easily
"so.. do wanna be on that island with me?" He says stepping forward towards me looking at me
"I guess you'll have to find out" I say looking back at him just staring
Okay maybe he can have a little bit of me easily....

We are just having a staring competition then izzy interprets it
"Come on vada we're leaving now" She says while waving to bill and the others
"Bye vada" Tom says
"Bye Island boy" I say smirking while walking away
As I get in the car I just see him looking at me smirking while his friends are talking to him


Toms POV:

"Bye vada"
"Bye island boy"

When she says that I just smirk
'how is this girl real' I think as I've just never seen a girl interact with me like this before
One minute she's threatening to punch me next minute she's flirting with me?
It's kinda hot

"what was that.." Georg says laughing
"Yeah that seems heated" Gustav said as rapture got in their car
"Yeah it was kinda hot" Bill says smirking looking at the car vada got in
"what was heated" I say confused and disregarding what bill said because he's just weird but still staring at the car that was now driving away
"That little starring competition you guys had.." Bill says raising his eyebrows
"Yeah bro what did she say to you when you were talking!" Georg says hitting my arm intrigued
"She's just being confusing" I say smiling
"Bet this is a first for you" He says back hitting me on the lower back while laughing and walking away

" is." I say walking away following them


Vadas POV:

We are now home in our practice room but not actually practicing and just sitting on the sofas
"So what do you guys want for dinner" Cade asks
"Hmm I could really go for an indian right now" Lucas says
"Oh my goodness yes" I say lifting my head that was previously lying on the back of the sofa
"Hm yeah what about you izzy? Indian sound good"
cade asks looking at izzy who is smiling at her phone
"Hm oh yeah sounds great" Lifting her head for like a second the putting it back down

"What are you smiling at iz biz..." I say a smirk crawling onto my face
"uh nothing" She says dropping her smile
"oh come on who is it..."
"Is it billll" I say teasing her
"Oh shush" she says rolling her eyes and smiling
"It is!!" Lucas says nudging her
"Come on girl what he sayin" Cade says laughing at her
"He's just saying he's excited to see me tomorrow" She says getting all shy
"Ooooo" I say smirking

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