Chapter nine

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Chapter nine

Things were gradually changing between the newlyweds and for once they were on the positive side of the relationship. Avika was slowly realising that her relationship with her husband was nowhere near how her parents' relationship was, however, she kept her fears and trauma to herself.

As promised, Kiaan found a reputed advocate for the matter and arranged a meeting with his mother-in-law. He had asked if she needed his presence during the meeting and she had only hesitantly told him that it depended on her mother. Instead of getting angry or upset, the man only nodded in understanding and asked nothing after that.

It amazed Avika, how much patience her husband possessed because she never once heard him complaining about how closed off she remained in the relationship while he remained like an open book, expressive and intense. She always found him intense in everything he did, be it his work or staring at her, he unnerved her.

Like now, she was trying to drape a saree while her husband sat on the bed and watched her like a hawk. If two months back somebody would've asked Avika that, would she allow her husband in the same room while she was draping a saree then she would've scoffed and glared at that person until they would bugger off. But now, here she was, struggling with the saree and ignoring the eyes trained on her all the while.

A frustrated sigh left her lips as she looked at the pleats she just made. Untidy. That's how they looked. She glared hard at them like they were magically going to get tidy and tuck themselves in. Then she tried again and this time without caring how uneven they seemed, she just pushed them in and glanced at herself in the mirror.

She looked dumb. Her eyes then met Kiaan's through the mirror and she expected him to laugh, however he was keen on staring in her eyes rather than at how she was dressed.

Her heart thumped crazily when he slowly got up from the bed and walked towards her never once breaking eye contact. When he stood exactly behind her, she realised her chest was heaving and she was breathing heavily. It was embarrassing. The effect he had on her just by staring at her.

"Aapko help chahiye?" His eyes set on hers as he waited for her answer.

(You need help?)

Avika breathed out a 'yes' because she was sure she wouldn't be able to utter anything else beyond that. He took a step closer and she could feel the warmth emanating from his frame.

Just as his hands were about to rest on her shoulders, he looked at her again, asking for permission and she smiled in response. Kiaan slowly turned her around and she drew her lower lip in her mouth suddenly shy.

"You need to tell me if you're uncomfortable any time." He tells her and she nods before he undoes the pleats and it causes her to suck in a sharp breath.

The next he starts making her pleats and she feels like she is in a trance as she watches his hands working on preparing those perfect pleats. Her throat feels dry and she trails her eyes up on his face. His lips were pursed as he concentrated on doing his work and she couldn't help but feel like stepping closer and stroking his jaw.

The loose end of her saree was already set in place, only the pleats were left and as her husband helped her with that part, she couldn't help but wonder when and how he learnt to do this.

"Aapko yeh kaise aata hai?" She asked when her curiosity got the best of her.

(How do you know this?)

Her breath hitched when his lips stretched into a small smile and he glanced up to look at her from under his eyelashes. Her husband is beautiful and she couldn't deny that.

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