Chapter nineteen

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Chapter nineteen

The following day, Kiaan had to depart early for an unexpected meeting, deferring the pending conversation until his return. He assured Avika that he would remember and they could discuss it once he got back home. Avika accepted this with understanding, and her day unfolded with excitement as she shared the news of creating an Instagram page with her mother. Suggestions for page names were exchanged, leaving Avika eager to discover Kiaan's recommendations and ultimately decide on the perfect name for her venture.

The remaining cupcakes vanished swiftly, caught in the middle of the brothers' playful squabbles over who was more entitled to them. Invariably, they would seek Parul or her support, placing them in an awkward position of choosing sides—a dilemma they wished to avoid. Opting for neutrality, they encouraged the brothers to resolve the matter independently. Yet, Kiaan's strategy of casting innocent, woeful glances her way invariably tugged at her heartstrings, compelling her to clandestinely reserve a few extra ones just for him, a secret gesture of affection amidst the banter.

Over time, Avika found herself growing fond of her husband. At first, she was skeptical and a bit scared about their arranged marriage, worried it might end up unhappy like others she had seen. But after seven months, she realized her husband was different. He was kind, understanding, supportive, and really seemed too good to be true. It was a surprise to her, but a pleasant one, showing her that maybe, just maybe, this marriage could be filled with love and happiness unlike any she had imagined.

In the meantime, although they agreed to discuss her mother's situation after Kiaan returned, Avika felt compelled to begin her search for a new house immediately. She had assured her mother she would secure a place for her as soon as possible, and the thought of delaying even a day made her anxious. Motivated by her promise, Avika started exploring housing options, knowing it would ease her restlessness and bring her one step closer to fulfilling her commitment.

Once Avika finished her chores, she casually mentioned to Parul that she was stepping out, without specifying her plans. She wasn't intentionally keeping her destination a secret; she simply preferred not to draw attention to her activities or turn them into a significant discussion.

As Avika stepped outside, she paused, suddenly unsure of how to begin her search for a home without any knowledge about real estate or the process of finding one. Aware of the high costs associated with using brokers, she quickly dismissed that option. After spending a few moments in contemplation outside her home, the realization struck her that she could leverage the internet to look for rental properties, a solution that hadn't occurred to her immediately.

As she typed in her requirements, Avika was greeted with an overwhelming array of choices, causing her to stare at the screen with a blank look. Shaking her head, she focused on listings that were nearby and decided to explore those properties first.

Upon arriving at the first location, Avika immediately felt a sense of discomfort observing the neighbourhood. It seemed less conducive to family life, and she noticed odd glances directed her way, as if she didn't belong. Choosing to overlook the unwelcoming stares, she moved forward to inspect the advertised building. The sight that greeted her was disheartening: a dilapidated interior, peeling paint, and a grimy staircase. With a deep breath, she made a quick decision, turning on her heel to exit. The thought of her mother residing in such conditions solidified her resolve that this place was unsuitable.

The second location showed a marked improvement, and Avika had the opportunity to converse directly with the landlord. As she received details about the apartment and the building, she initially felt hopeful. However, as the conversation progressed, Avika couldn't shake off a growing sense of skepticism. The landlady's manner of speaking gave her the impression of being underestimated or perhaps that the landlady was attempting to outsmart her.

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