Chapter twenty

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Chapter twenty

"What about Sugar Rush?"

Avika couldn't help but crinkle her nose in distaste at the suggestions, busying herself further with her coffee preparation. She was aware of Kiaan's grumbling as she bypassed his ideas, but frankly, his knack for naming was less than stellar.

So far, he had proposed a slew of names—Yummy Creations, Avika Bakery, Flour Power, Tasty Treats, among others. Every suggestion either made her cringe or was just plain dull for her taste. Avika didn't say a word as he listed his ideas; her expressions said it all for her. "You're really hard to please," he muttered, trying to sound less annoyed, but she caught on and was now deliberately steering clear of him.

With her coffee in hand, Avika moved to the couch and began scrolling through her phone for unique names. Kiaan trailed behind, plopping down next to her with a whine. "Really? Giving me the cold shoulder now?" he teased, trying to peek over her shoulder at her screen.

Her glare was met with his mischievous smirk, and in a swift manoeuvre, Avika was suddenly enveloped in his embrace, feeling his weight lean onto her shoulder. She let out a surprised squeak, making a frantic effort to keep her coffee from spilling on herself or the couch.

"Kya kar rahe hai aap? Jaane de mujhe," Avika's voice pitched higher, her focus locked on the precarious position of her coffee cup.

(What are you doing? Let me go)

She involuntarily shivered as she felt a gentle kiss placed in the crook of her neck. Had Parul and Yug been at home, she would have vehemently protested his boldness.

"Jaane ki baat toh bhul hi jaiye, yaha main ek din aapse durr nahi reh sakta," he murmured, his words wrapping around her like a warm embrace. After a moment of stunned silence, Avika finally found her voice to respond.

(Forget about leaving you; I can't even stand a day apart from you)

"Aur kahi mujhe aapse pehle jaana pada toh?" she whispered, her words chilling the air between them. Kiaan's body tensed instantly, and as he pulled away, a wave of cold washed over her, a grim reminder of a potential, albeit harsh, reality.

(What if I leave before you?)

Kiaan fixed her with an intense gaze, his voice firm yet tinged with an unmistakable tremble of fear, "Don't talk like that."

Avika offered him a bittersweet smile, choosing to remain quiet. The air between them grew heavy with unspoken thoughts, and though she sensed his mood had darkened, words to lighten the moment eluded her. Unsure of how to bridge the gap, she settled into the silence.

But wasn't that just the way of the world? Death, an unannounced visitor, comes to all, and she found some solace in the thought of departing first rather than bearing the grief of losing her loved ones.

She inhaled deeply and set her coffee down, then shifted to meet Kiaan's gaze, noticing the troubled crease of his brow and the tension in his jaw. "Are you upset?" she ventured; her tone gentle. Upon her words, he faced her, his expression quickly melting into a gentler one as he shook his head. "No, not with you. Never with you. It's just the feeling of helplessness in this scenario that frustrates me."

It made her smile, his frustrated face that is. "So, are we looking for apartments today?" Avika interjected, aiming to shift his focus, which indeed worked as he perked up, suddenly all ears. "Do you have the time?" he inquired, and she stared at him, astonished. "That should be my question. Do you have the time?"

His eye roll earned him a playful jab on the shoulder, which only made him chuckle and move in closer, pressing her snugly against him. "I'll always find time for you," he said, sending her heart racing with his words. She was well aware of his charm with words, and how they always managed to strike a chord with her.

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