The Story Begins...

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-Courtney's Point of View-
Things really do change a lot! I really want to apologize to Gwen for making that dull-witted list.. I should of focused on friendships instead of being so eager and worked-up about winning. I also learned to be less controlling. Not everyone can be perfect and it's wrong to try and make them perfect. I sat next to Bridgette while on the bus, and we listened to some cool tunes together. I'm so glad I have her as a friend. I truly don't know what I would do without her. Not a while later on the bus ride, I fell asleep.

-Duncan's Point of View-
Sitting on the bus next to Geoff, I look at Courtney. She's truly beautiful. Everything about her. Although, I kind of do want Gwen back, just so I can see her go crazy and throw her off her a game. It was entertaining.. What am I saying? I wouldn't do that, but the way Gwen looked at me made me think a little. It wasn't a "death die I'll kill you I hate you" stare, but a soft one. I don't think Trent would care if I stole his girl anyway. I don't know if it's the best idea to not stay loyal to Courtney though.. She drives me crazy.. in both ways. At the same time, I'm kind of glad I'm with her. I don't know, I haven't felt this way towards anyone.
"Hey, would you mind sitting next to Courtney so I can sit by Geoff?" Bridgette asked.
"Yeah sure whatever" I said.
She was a very pretty sleeper. I noticed when she sleeps she's a light sleeper. She tossed and turned a lot though, until her head was on my chest. I didn't mind it though. A few minutes later she woke up. "Eww I was sleeping on an ogre!" She says, jokingly. How I love her. "Ouch" I said, also joking. We smiled at each other then she looked out the window seat. She is so beautiful to me, but so is Gwen. Anyway, Courtney was wearing her black reading glasses, a blue sweater, a black skirt, and black socks. Her shoes were Mary Janes. She looked good, and comfy, although she looked really really pale from the ride. Me myself tried to catch a few Zs before finally arriving to Camp Wawanakwa in some magic way. I tried not to wake sleeping beauty by shutting up.

 I tried not to wake sleeping beauty by shutting up

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