Something isnt right..

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- Duncan's POV -
Nice? NICE?
Courtney has been acting kind of weird lately. I don't know what it is because I can't quite put my hands on it.. Anyway, it was really boring and there was not a lot to do, so I went to Geoff. "Wanna mess with Harold?" I asked. "Yeah dude!" He said. "Here's the plan.. I'm gonna get worms from the fish cabin, then DJ will lore Harold outside, then we can go into into the cabin and fill his pillowcase with the worms and the cotton." I stated. I ran to the fish cab and got the worms. I walked back and sneaked into the cabin, filling his pillowcase with worms, and went along with it as DJ distracted him. Then I sneaked out of the cabin and acted like everything was normal. When he got back, it was SO HILARIOUS. He didn't even know there where worms, that was until he put his big dork head on it. I laughed at him. "GOSH DUDE! You don't always have to be so exasperating." Harold said "Whatever dork" I said, laughing away. I went to Courtney to tell her about it, expecting her to yell at me. "That is so.." I grinned. "Awesome! Invite me to do it too" She said, almost exactly how Gwen would say it.. I know what she's trying to do. I frowned a bit at her, but we had a little walk and talk. "Courtney?" I asked, looking down. "Yea?" She asked. "I notice things about you fast" I started with. "So what?" She asked. It was a on and off thing.
"You know I like you for you right? You make me happiest when you're you" I said. She didn't say anything at first, but she mumbled under her own breath "yeah, yeah."
I very gently held her jaw and kissed her on the forehead. "Night princess" I Said. Now I'm not sure if I want to get back with Gwen just for the fun of it, cause I remembered that Heather told me that the nights she cried herself to sleep hugging her pillow was because of me. Not gonna lie, I felt a bit foolish even thinking about Gwen. Although, I still am debating if I should get back with Gwen for funsies. I shrugged to myself. Wait, what am I even saying.. I feel stupid because I just earned her trust. We will see where this goes I guess.

- Courtney's POV -
I was walking to the girls cabin slowly, still thinking about what he said. I told Bridgette and she hugged me and said, "Courtney, for once I think Duncan is right. You shouldn't have to change who you are for anybody. You're absolutely perfect the way you are" she said, but I'm just worried he likes Gwen more than me. "Your right Bridgette, thank you" I said. "Anytime, Court." She said. I hope I can still apologize to Gwen.

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