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- Courtney's POV -
"Well?" I said
"Look, I know we aren't on best terms right now but.. I need you to listen to me" He said
"First off, we Are on HORRIBLE terms, Second off well what is it, and third why the hell would I listen to a cheating Emo lying backstabbing little-" I began to say.
"BECAUSE if you wanna win then just go with it. It's called Total DRAMA for a reason. You know the kind of stuff Chris makes us do" He said, cutting me off.
"Get on with it then" I said, crossing my arms.
"This might seem like a lot of information but.. first off that "kiss" me and Gwen had was nothing, Chris told us we should just add more drama for more of the money so we agreed but you can't blame me. It was 8,000 cash, and I know you would of done the same. But that doesn't matter because once I win the million AGAIN and get rich you'll forgive me of my wrong doings. Second off, I NEED YOU TO WORK WITH ME JUST THIS ONCE. I want to win the million just as much as you do sweetheart so, Chris paired us for some challenge to add in more drama just don't pull anything up your sleeve. You wanna win, right?" He said.
I nodded apprehensively.
"Good. And I'm sorry if I broke your heart just-"
"I may need time to think about that" I said
"As you wish, princess." He said, walking away.
Okay I have WAYY more self respect than that but Trent is a nice guy! Plus if I ever go back with dumbcan who would Trent have? Not Gwen.. I walked to Trent and he was talking to Gwen. I tried listening in but all I could hear was..
"... didn't mean... Courtney... sorry... fault... Chris... payed..."
hmm.. maybe flopcan was telling the truth. I was waiting for Gwen to leave, so I can talk to Trent.
What happened? I asked
He just told me the same thing that had went down with me and that neanderthal.
"Do we forgive them?" He asked
"baby steps" I said, half jokingly.
Dinner approached, and Gwen called my name.
I ignored her, despite my desire to hear her stupid apology.
After dinner, dumbcan told me to go on a walk with him but at first I kind of wanted to say no.
"Fine" I said.
He walked with me and offered me his hand, and I looked around before taking it.
"You know.. I'm really sorry for accepting the offer" he said
Duncan apologizing? Comedy gold.
"No I understand. If I were you I'd want 8000 too, and I'm not mad (I think)" I said.
Reality was I was furious but I wasn't about to tell that to his sorry butt.
We walked and talked for a while until he dropped me to my cabin
"See you tomorrow?"

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