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- Courtney's POV -
Again, for the 1000th time, I had got up and got ready.
Blue overalls, White top, Necklaces, etc. I asked Bridgette to braid my hair and she gave me 2 cute French braids.

I still haven't decided what to do, but let's start off with confronting Duncan

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I still haven't decided what to do, but let's start off with confronting Duncan. He lied to me after all.
I walked out my cabin, went straight up to him, and said..
"You lied!"
"Yeah, I know."
"I have my reasons. Key point is I never meant to hurt your feelings"
I looked him dead in the eye, while he was looking away. "I understand" I said, forcing a small smile.
Scott's a nice guy, but for Duncan it's just something about him that makes me love him. It's hard to pick the right decision.
Anyway, new day new challenge. It was tug of war! Probably my favorite challenge we have had yet, or maybe it's because Im a bit stronger than the other players. Moving on, Chris said the challenge would start in 20, giving me the perfect amount of time to put my feet in the water. I dipped my feet in the blue-ish water, kicking my feet back and fourth. I took my hair out, and I had beautiful beach waves from the braid.
Scott plopped down next to me.
"Hey!" He said. "Hey Scott" I said, smiling at him. "Soooo" He said, except I just stared at the water. It was quiet for 2 minutes max, and then we held hands and he said "I'm ready sorry"
I know he was sorry. He didn't mean it, but I know Duncan did.. I don't know why I even like that Neanderthal after all he's put me through but maybe he started to change too. Anyway..
"I know Scott. I missed you" I said, squeezing his hand. I turned around a bit and I THINK I saw Geoff and Duncan although I'm not so sure since it was from the corner of my eye. But then I heard a loud scream from the confessionals. It kinda sounded like Duncans, so me ans Scott looked at each other then died out of laughter. I'm lucky to have him, but I still haven't decided.
- Duncan's POV -
Who's Idea was it to bring Scott back? Because that was sick and twisted. Scott literally threatened Courtney.. Okay I get I cheated on her twice but I just need to get my feelings into place. I can't believe I'm saying this but this isn't me at all. Scott can not be taking my place, and if he does, I might just go insane.
I put my headphones in and blasted K. By Cigarettes After Sex, then took a walk and splashed my face.
I never meant to hurt her, I don't know what I was thinking. Anyway, she's so beautiful today.. I wish I could tell her without farmer boy in the way. It is what it is though.
- Courtney's POV -
I'm sure merge would be happening soon, sense there are quite a bit of people on our team and not a lot for the other. Anyway, the team had to chose one person to go against the other team. The eyes were looking at me and Sierra. "Don't get me wrong, Sierra is seriously strong, but what if she gets distracted by Cody?" I said. The team muttered, then it was time to pick who was going to take the win for their team. It was me against...
I giggled a bit. They must of thought we were going to pick Sierra.. anyway, it was an easy win.
Again, we won invincibility while the other team lost.
I was walking back when I felt something grab my hand. It was Duncan.
"Hey princess"
"Stop calling me that" I said, rolling my eyes, but still holding his hand. "Are you getting back with Scott? I really love you-"
"If you love me you wouldn't of kissed Gwen.." I said
"I had a reason.. you'll get it by the end of the show.." he said.
I stopped to looked at him.
I really don't know what to do.
"I'm just confused.. I like you both and I-"
"Courtney?" He asked
"Yeah?" I responded.
"If you really love someone then you shouldn't have to chose between who really makes your heart flutter" He said, although I stayed quiet, looking down.
"I'm sorry." He said, then he lifted my face up and kissed me, then walked away.
Sorry? Sorry?
For what? Gwen? Everything? I'm so confused.. he wasn't wrong though, but I would have to really think about this.
Trying to head to bed after a relaxing shower, still thinking about what he had said.

Will Courtney Pick Duncan? Will Courtney pick Scott? Will Gwen cheat on Trent to be with Scott to get even MORE revenge on Courtney? Or does she still feel "bad"? Will Courtney still have not made up her mind by tomorrow? I wonder!

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