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(I don't wanna bore you all and try to get this to the smut part but I am just too lazy to make the base into something everyone can understand, deku is going to be flirty to Bakugou and a kind innocent soul for others, katsuki, on the other hand, is gonna be shy, embarrassed and a bit girl-ish? if that makes any sense.., I hope you all wish me luck :) - A Sad and Lonely Chicken)



Life is... soooo hard... like for real!! I am only 17 and I have to go to work and shit... god I miss my bro.. he was soo true about the "WORK IS HARD" part. It's only the second day and oh boy!! it's hard. I should call him when I get home... I REALLY MISS USA!!!! 


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(literally him right now)

*starts the car*


huh? kacchan?

Kat: Deku!! where the fuck are you going without me!!

izu: umm... what?

kat: You are supposed to drive me home!!

Izu: Why? you know travel isn't free.. (in a teasing way) it is very expensive.

kat: Yeah.. so? you drove me here so you should drive me back!!

Izu: What if I don't, what will you do then?

kat: You will take me home !! and that's final!

Izu; alright then, but.. (fliring mode on!!)  but one condition, you have to pay me.

Kat: Are you FUCKING serious right now... I didn't bring any MONEY, IDIOT..

Izu: That's not my fault darling~

Kat: I ran out of pocket money, that's why I asked you for a ride!! ugh.. You know what! I will just walk, it's way better than paying you money which I DON'T FUCKING HAVE!!

Izu: Woah woah... stop right there.. It's a pretty long distance from school to your house, so instead of paying me with money you could help me with something..~

Bakugou's POV

EHHH... NANI!? (WHAT!?) 

What does he mean by that!?

*Deku leans his head through the window, closer to bakugou's head*

*badum! badum! BADUM! BADUM!*

Wha-- my heart... why does it beat so fast when he is near!? I CAN'T DO THIS!


Izu: Kacchan..~ You could pay me by.. umm..... maybe~ A kiss~~ Yeah a kiss could do it.

(👁👄👁,  make predictions: A: kiss in the cheek B: kiss in the lips C: both D: no kiss E: maybe a slap, no cheating ..  (☞'ヮ')☞ Comment your predictions)


(╰(*°▽°*)╯lets continue )

Kat:(mind) TF!!  Is he serious!? kiss him.. I mean.. I do wanna try him.... WAIT WHAT.! WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING!? I AM NOT GAY!! wait, or am I!? huh!? I guess.. it would be better than walking, right? yeah, a small smooch on the cheek wouldn't hurt anyone. Hope it's a good choice.

Izu: kacchan.... You are seriously thinking... just for a kiss!!? you used to kiss me when we were kids... 


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Kat: Well back then I didn't know gay was a...hing.. *whisper*

Izu: You say something?


(Hehe stoping here!! 524 words part2 soon  😘 See yea later Have a good day/night )

He is MORE than a teacher!! (dekubaku and bakubottom)Where stories live. Discover now