New Student?

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I am writing this...  I hope your ❄holidays❄ have been going well, Slay this Christmas🎄🎄


Driving to school...


so.. his dad is leaving... which means I would be alone with him... I mean it's not bad or too good 

for god's sake who knows what he will do with me... but I will be waiting... but...  why do I feel like something... bad is going to happen? Fuck! I am overthinking again!! 

um...  I.. I am more calm these days... I can't find a way to be angry with him... he is the perfect... boyfriend. I love him... it's a surprise he can cope with my attitude.

*It becomes awkwardly silent* 

Izu: uhh... so  kacchan

Kat: huh? yea?

Izu: it's very silent so let's talk about something on the way.

Kat: yea sure. what do you wanna talk about?

Izu: umm... we know nothing about each other so let's ask some questions to each other.

Kat: sure, I'll go first... umm... are you... a virgin?

Izu: pft.. nope... I have a good experience (mind: or... bad) next question is by me! So how many people have you dated?

Kat: ... *counting* 5 or 6 but none loved me, they couldn't adjust to my personality.

Izu: mhmm... I have had several encounters like that, all they wanted to do was to fuck me... I never actually liked it, they were toxic. oh, would you look at that we are almost there...                     Well, this is your stop, you can go from here, I'll go park the car.

Kat: uh.. yeah sure. *opens the door* *stops*

Izu: is everything alright?

Kat: ... *give a quick kiss* *blush* don't mind me.. I'll get going.

Izu: *processing* ye--aahh~~  *blush* (mind: did... did he just- k-kiss me? without me asking for one? damn it!! this boy is driving me crazy.)


later Deku parked and went to the principal's office with Aizawa, whereas katsuki was daydreaming about Izuku. 

At the principal's office...


I walked into the office with Aizawa, and just as we entered I saw a familiar yet not-so-familiar face.

I didn't know who that kid was... he looked the same age as me. From all the abilities of a secret agent, I knew something was up. His eyes were weary with an evil look. He had purplish-red eyes, black-to-brown gradient hair, and other colored strands in his hair as well. he wears glasses,he had a confident look and he was wearing gloves because it helps his to control his powers better. He had many scars but a black scar under his hair caught my attention.

An old person was talking to Nezu, maybe it was his father.

Nezu turned to me and Aizawa sensei. he told us about that boy and that he would be coming to class 1-a. His name is Kurai Honakai. 17 years old. his quirk is blood manipulation. a very powerful quirk... but if it's not used properly everyone could be in danger.

later Nezu explained to Aizawa how only his quirk-erasing quirk can stop him.

We took Kurai-san to the class and he introduced himself but Kacchan's face didn't look happy or the neutral face he always has instead his eyes had a scared shock. i could easily say he was not happy with Kurai.








(I made a brief image of Kurai Honakai using Gacha Life2)

(this is how he looks, Btw he is a red flag and a bully of katsuki

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(this is how he looks, Btw he is a red flag and a bully of katsuki. anyway, I will be ending the chapter. it has over 600 words. I might be more active during Christmas time so stay tuned, either I will post or not post at all. Advance Merry Christmas to all)

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