this is not like me!!

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( haven't posted in a while but because I am not dead here is a new chapter)

story after the last chapter...

                Tenko, Touya, Izuku and katsuki, went out hang out. they went to the cinema,  went to the arcade, and then to have dinner. they made sure the day wasn't boring... at least for Touya, Tenko and Izuku. Katsuki didn't like it one bit, not a guy who likes cinema or outside food. he did enjoy the arcade though they left quickly. katsuki noticed how Izuku was not so talkative towards him which made him sad, but he thought it was because they just came and he missed them so... he was spending more time with them.

LATER AT HOME(nightime)

Tenko and Touya went to their room and Izuku and katsuki went to their room.


 hmm... today was the worst... not like my opinion matters or anything... I can't feel myself anymore... I just want to sleep... I can't wait till Izuku finishes his bath... my eyes are barely open. AH

Izuku didn't talk much to me today... it hurts, but why? it's not like I own him or anything... why are my eyes watering? why am I crying?  he is just my... I don't know... what is he to me? sensei? boyfriend? childhood friend?

I know yesterday was the best! I like the way he treated me. I want to do it again. maybe I should ask him.

*bathroom door opens*

Izu: Alright, I am done with my shower, go ahead and take a bath.

Kat: ... umm.. izu?

Izu: yeah

Kat: Can you bathe me? I am tired...

Izu: *sigh* don't forget, you're a grown-ass man.

kat: I know... I don't feel well.

Izu: Please kacchan, just take a bath yourself. I am tired.

Kat: *sad* k.

(Katsuki goes to take a bath)

Izu:(mind: I wonder what happened to him today. I felt like he was not enjoying the trip. Maybe I am just making things up.)


don't think too much!!don't think too much!!don't think too much!!don't think too much!!don't think too much!!

*heavily breathing* *heavily breathing* *heavily breathing*

*turns on the bathtub water.*

*heavily breathing*

Is he getting annoyed with me? am I annoying? I thought he loved me but guess not... it hurts... it hurts!! *starts crying* ... *sniff* why am I crying for something like this??? ahh... this is not like me. STOP CRYING DAMN IT!! 

*After a long bath*

izu? he is already asleep... he wouldn't mind if I kissed him, right?

*a small kiss on the cheeks*

*a small kiss on the cheeks*

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Izu: h-uhh? k-kac-cha-n...

Kat: :) guess I will tuck myself to bed.

Late night...

kat: hmm... i can't sleep anymore.. deku... he is asleep, maybe I could do something with him. I hope he won't be mad.


slowly katsuki kissed izuku's neck, then licked it, holding him tight he slowly bit Izuku. Izuku screamed and woke up to find katsuki biting him.

he got mad and scolded katsuki. katsuki said he couldn't sleep. Izuku said they could cuddle and told him not to bite him again. katsuki was feeling good and he slept through happily. 

(I ending this here, please give me ideas for writing, I am losing motivation but I will try to upload once or twice a week. this chapter has 500+ words. <3 Bye!! have a great day/night)

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