should I feel sorry?

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(nobody told me to stop the drama so I am continuing. By the way, guys, Kirishima borrowed a car from Momo so they could hang out. this chapter will be filled with Bakusquad and Mina x bakugou friendship)


Mina was trusted by both Izuku and katsuki. Izuku became so friendly with her, at some point Mina stopped calling Izuku sensei(sometimes). he also told her that he was 17 and was a childhood friend of Bakugo. with permission from Bakugo, he also told her about their current love relationship. Mina is trustworthy to both of them. which is why...






Izuku went to his room and started crying and regretting everything. later he called on Mina.

(on call) 

Mina: HEYO!! Midobae!! wassup!!

Izu: *sniff* not so good...

Mina: Izu? Are you crying?? are you alright??

Izu: I was crying... *sniff* well not anymore.

Mina: why were you crying in the first place? 

Izu: I had a BIG fight with Kacchann.

Mina: why? I thought you two were the perfect couple.

Izu: I- I... GAHAHHAA!!

Mina: you ok?? 

Izu: I will explain later *sNifF* now listen. 

Mina: ok tell me everything tomorrow.

Izu:  mina-san... do you perhaps know where kacchan went? he just left.

Mina: I do!! me, Bakubae, Kiri, Denki and Sero are going to hang out!! we even rented a car from Momo.

Izu: thank GOD!!! mina I want you to convince kacchan that I am innocent.

Mina: you can think the job is over Midobae!!


Kirishima picks up katsuki from the bus stop near Izu's house. 

Kat:  GEEZ!! shitty hair I thought you were going to hit me. 

kir: hehe sorry.

Kat: only us? Where is the rest?

Kir: well sero and Mina will come by the next stop and Kamibro is... well he gets nauseous when riding in a car so he is in the trunk.

Kat: for real!?

*jumpscare from behind(Kaminari)*



*Next stop- Mina's house*

*Mina and Sero get in the car*

Mina:sero, you can sit in front.

zero: why?

Mina: I have some things to talk about with Bakubae.

Sero: if you say so.


Mina:bakubae... are you alright?

Kat: yeah why did u ask?

Mina: you don't look like the normal you. right, not you are calm, is having the patience to listen to me.

Kat: ... I-

Mina: did something happen between you and izu?

Kat: *tears filling up* I- I don't know... I- I am... s- sorry...

Mina: hey hey don't cry... it doesn't suit you... *wipes his tears* now tell me what happened, why did you fight with him?

Kat: I- I was jealous... I think... ever since his brothers came, he hasn't given me any attention and it hurts... the feeling of being left alone by someone you love is just... it's pure pain in the heart. there is a quote... uh... that goes like "When the world hurts you, you need one person to comfort you but when that one person hurts you, not even the entire world can comfort you".I didn't understand it at first but when Deku started ignoring me I felt it... it can really break someone like me...

Mina: you know, you don't have to hide all that pain. But Izu, maybe it isn't his fault. I get that, he came to Japan a few months ago but you don't know for how long he hasn't seen his brothers right? 

kat: I guess you are right...but should I apologize to him? Should I say sorry?  GOD THIS IS MESSING UP MY MIND!!!

Mina: just say sorry... I am sure he will understand.

Kat: you are right.

late night, near midnight, katsuki came home slightly drunk. he didn't think much and just dragged himself to the bedroom. he didn't even notice the naked Izuku regretting his life decisions in front of the mirror. he just fell into the bed.

(I am ending it here, I will try to make the next chapter smutty so wait for it, and my semester /final exams are coming soon so I might not post much for 2 months. this chapter has 675 words in total. Have a good morning/night my dear kings and queens)

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