deku's past

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This chapter contains mention of R4P3. use of cigarettes, guns, etc. please proceed with caution.  <THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN EDITED>


*katsuki whispers something into izuku's ear*

Izu: uh.. I'll think about it...

Kat: ... I will give you time till tomorrow.

Izu: yeah...fine. why don't you go and drink?

Kat: well I am not too getting drunk... I have already saved for myself before. *walks back inside*

Izu: ... sigh...  *takes another smoke* *Touya comes near izuku*

Tou: hey lil bro! whatcha doin'?

Izu: ahh nii-chan... I mean Tenko! wait! No! sorry, Touya! GGhaaahhh!!! (mind: he messed up my mind... god damn it... sh!t) *smoke again*

Tou:  you know lil bro, I've known you for long enough to understand that you're not fully conscious. tell me what did katsuki ask you?

izu: sigh... touya... you are one of the few people who know about my past.

tou: hmm.. yea

izu: I don't know bro... his request for the gift seems troubling.

tou: what did he ask for?

izu: uhh... well...  you said he wanted to be the top for once. 

tou: pft- hahaHAhAHHAA!

izu: hmph!! What's so funny? huh?

Tou: nothing!! I am sorry. I mean its not a big request you know. besides your brother and I have swapped once.

Izu: wait... you-

tou: *embarrassed*  I am going to stop you there! anyway, just give him a chance besides you like to get banged on. 

izu: you know too much. sigh... let me think for a while.

tou: alright bye lil bro. BTW I'll take the smoke, thanks!

Izu: WAIT- ... that was my last cig* sigh... whatever...


   I never knew what my father's job was, I always thought it was some office work. By 13, I was told about my father's job. he is the CEO of a secret agency. by the time Tenko turned 16, he had also joined with dad. I would always see him come home, hurt, after dangerous secret missions and I would cry and he would comfort me. so just like him I also joined as a secret agent. and just after 3 months I was declared the no.1 agent in the agency. I have felt it is pretty easy, I can manipulate fire, and besides I have 9 lives. what more!?

... my past was terrifying, at least it was... to me. At the age of 7, I lost my mom and I moved to the USA, I was away from my friend, my lovely kacchan, it was painful but I survived.  I was bullied till middle school. 

when I was in middle school aka 14 years old, I was kidnapped by a rap!st. it still scars me, I see it like a nightmare... I cried until my eyes were swollen... that motherfucker rapist didn't care. fucking sadist. I was only 14... just a kid... he fucked me mercilessly. 2 weeks after my father found me along with workers. Those 2 weeks are unforgettable. I begged him to let me go, but he didn't listen. he raped me every now and then, it hurt so much. he would record each time and would watch and listen to screams on repeat. I wasn't given much food or water and I would pass out every time. 

My dad found me and took me home, I was still traumatized. my dream to become a hero shattered as no one, no heroes were there to help me escape. A week after I was normal again. my trauma wasn't a big deal to me anymore. my dad told me that he brought a huge gift for me. he took me to his office and went to a secret room. I looked around. I saw a few of his co-workers and in front of me was the rap!st chained to the wall badly injured. I didn't feel scared seeing him again. My dad permitted me to do whatever I wanted to do to the rap!st. I wanted to torture him, make him regret living as a rap!st.

I tortured him for 2 weeks just like what he did to me. at the start of the 3rd week, I made everyone leave the room, I used a knife and sliced off his filthy penis, and I killed him. I shot him in the head several times, I felt pleasure in each shot, and his screams made me happy.

after a few months, I turned 15, it was not long before I started feeling weird, I started getting more sensitive to voices, and hearing moans or groans or anything similar to that would make it hard. I am only 15, and prostitution for a minor, they would go to jail. I tried suicide. I knew there wasn't any solution for this so I kept quiet. I didn't tell it to anyone.  I would have to jerk off almost every day. By 16, I knew I couldn't take it anymore and told to my father, and just like I thought there was nothing he could do about it.

by 17, I got kinda used to it that not all voices make hard only moaning sounds, and I started acting like 18, I drink alcohol, I smoke, I go to strip clubs, and all those shit. my dad wasn't that happy about all this but he let it slide. I started going to strip clubs and had sex a few times. the last time I had sex was a few months before coming to Japan, it has been 4 months since I came here and got the job a month ago, and... I will be turning 18 in 3 months. how fast the year went...

it's been a while since I had someone penetrate me, so it feels weird especially because it was asked by kacchan. I guess I will allow him to do so cause... why not... he is the first person I actually fell for... I do it, if it makes him happy then... I AM IN!!


alright!! the chapter is over!! this is Deku's backstory in this AU, so back in chapter "dirty bitch" izuku gets hard hearing Tenko moan and this is the reason. I will post the next chapter soon which will contain smut. btw if you are dumb and didn't realize the answer to the last chapter's question, it was C aka making him top. congrats if u got it right. Have a great night/day kings and queens!! ( This is the longest chapter bro... total words 1053)

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