Be Alright

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Today I was significantly more nervous entering school. I wondered how many people they've already told. Just got to keep my head down and I'll be fine. The only thing that worried me was PE today. I would have to change somewhere where I won't be seen. Walking down the hallway no one was even looking at me. Either they didn't know or they didn't care. I was almost feeling relieved before I saw Tyler standing in near my locker.

"Wearing your mom's panties again?" he asked mockingly.

"Why do you care about my underwear so much?" I retorted.

I shut him up with that, but it would certainly not be the last comment I would hear today. Especially since I actually was wearing her panties again. The first two classes were alright. It was just the thought of PE that was lingering in the back of my head. What would they have in store for me?

We were in the locker room now and I decided to take my bag to a bathroom stall to change in private. However Tyler and his henchmen caught me.

"What are you doing? You won't need that bag in the toilet," Tyler said.

They took it from me. Great, now I have to wait for them to leave to get changed. I pretended to pee until I heard everybody leave and the locker room was empty. I leave the bathroom stall quietly as I see my tormentors still waiting for me.

"We didn't want you to walk alone," said Liam, one of Tyler's friends, sarcastically.

They know, but I have no choice. I need to change in front of them. First I changed my shirt to get that out of the way, then came the pants. I pulled them down slowly revealing the black panties as they begin laughing.

"See I told you. This guy is a pervert," said Tyler. "Alright what do we do with you now?"

They took all my clothes, besides what I was wearing with sadistic grins on their faces, and locked them in their lockers. Afterwards they left to the gym without saying another word.

"What are you doing? I need something to wear," I said desperately.

I stood in the locker room wearing nothing but a shirt, socks, and my moms black underwear. I had no idea what to do. After maybe two minutes of contemplating I heard steps coming towards the locker room, so I hid in a bathroom stall.

"You can come out Mikey. We got you clothes."

I slowly opened the door to see that Tyler and his friends returned. He was holding up a pair of booty shorts.

"You're lucky Sophie had an extra pair just for you," Tyler said while grinning.

"What do you mean? I can't wear this."

"Of course you can. It perfectly fits your underwear."

In this moment I remembered what Mom said about 'owning it'. Maybe if I 'owned' it now they would leave me alone in the future. I didn't have much of a choice anyway, so without hesitating any further, I grabbed the shorts and put them on like I've done it a million times before. By the looks on their faces i could tell, they were kind of surprised that it was this easy. On the way to the gym one of them said "nice ass" sarcastically, but I just ignored it. Everybody was already waiting for us to begin the class, and besides a few looks and some snickering, the lesson was unexpectedly easy. After class everyone was leaving to get changed when Mrs. Wilson, our PE teacher, called my name.

"Michael, do you know why I wanted you to stay after class?"

"Uhm, my unusual clothes maybe?" I stammered.

"Kind of. You know you can wear what you want. Just make sure that when you wear these types of clothes, you leave something to the imagination."

I looked down and saw what she meant. While I'm not the biggest down there, the booty shorts in combination with the panties made quiet a visible bulge in the front.

"I completely understand. I'll make sure this won't happen next time."

When I went to get changed, I realized what I just said. 'Next time'. Will there be a next time? Well, I had no time to think as Tyler and the others were already waiting for me in front of the locker room.

"Take the shorts off pervert. Sophie wants them back."

This time it would be a lot more embarrassing, since all the other guys would also see me. After spending the whole lesson wearing booty shorts I guess I'll survive this too though. I took them off and handed them to Tyler. They returned my clothes, which i promptly put on. There was definitely some giggling, but that was expected. I wouldn't react any different. As they left to return Sophie's shorts, I was glad that it was finally over. For today at least. I leave to the school to take the bus, when I see my mom's car.

"How was you day sweetie?"

I couldn't bring myself to tell the truth.

"It went better than expected. I guess you were right, although it was mortifying."

"Good to hear," she said curtly.

"There is just one thing."

"What is it?"

"Well, in the story about your classmate you said that he wore his trunks backwards all year. I think I need to keep it up a little longer."

"You want to wear my underwear until the end of the year?" she asked shocked.

"No, of course not. Not your underwear and not the whole year," I clarified. "Maybe I could get a couple pairs for myself."

"I've got to say I'm a little surprised. First you say that it went better than expected and now you want to keep it up indefinitely."

"You're right. It's just... there's these bullies who won't leave me alone. If I keep it up another week or so it'll be fine, I'm sure."

"You know i can always call the..."

"No no that would just make it worse," I interrupted. "If I endure it a little longer they'll get bored of it and find a new victim."

"If you say so. You know i wouldn't go behind your back."

"Yes, thanks Mom. Just on more thing."

"What is it?" she asked inquisitively.

"I'm also going to need some new gym clothes. It's a long story, just trust me."

"Okay, what kind of gym clothes? If you don't mind me asking."

"You know uhm... some yoga shorts, I guess," I stuttered.

"Oh... okay, whatever you need. I won't judge."


When we got home he went upstairs right away. Unlike yesterday however, he didn't throw my underwear out of his room, which got me questioning if he's still wearing it. After we'd been home for a while I decided to go shopping for groceries, where I could also pick up the stuff Michael asked for.

"Do you want to come shopping with me?" I asked up the stairs.

"No, Mom. I really don't want to be seen by anybody I know today."

"Alright, no problem. I just need to know which size I should buy for you."

"Uhm, just the same size as yours. They fit perfectly."

The way he said that sounded a little odd, but I brushed it off and drove to the mall.

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