Why me

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It was Thursday morning now, and I barely slept. I dreaded going to school knowing what was still to come. Especially worrying was the thought of wearing booty shorts again. However I knew that changing back to wearing boxers wouldn't change anything. They were after me regardless.

The blue pair was the least feminine so I went with that one today, knowing that everyone would see it in the locker room. When I put them on after the shower they felt incredibly comfortable. I don't know why. They were the same style as yesterday, just a different color, but I caught myself getting excited somehow. Unfortunately I was already late again so I just quickly put on the rest of my clothes, and got out of the bathroom.

I packed my new gym shorts, because I knew they would make me wear something like that anyway. That way I could at least spare myself the embarrassment of borrowing a classmates shorts. Heading downstairs I saw Mom who looked concerned. I mean who could blame her after what I told her yesterday.

As I walked down the hallway in school it was clear that Tyler let other people know of what happened in the restroom yesterday. I got a lot more looks and giggles. I kept my head down, and tried to block it out as well as I could. The snickering was probably nothing compared to what Tyler had planned for me today. I was so worried that I could barely focus in class.

I got through the first couple of classes, but it was time for PE now. When I tried to enter the locker room Tyler, Jake, and Liam blocked me.

"Let me in," I proclaimed.

"No can do. This is the boys locker room," said Tyler.

"Clearly not meant for you," added Jake.

I was weaker and shorter than them, and they clearly outnumbered me so I had no choice but to head to Mrs. Wilson's office. I explained the situation to her, but her reaction was unexpected to say the least.

"I understand," she said. "Maybe it's better if you change in my office for now. Just to avoid trouble, you know?"

I sighed, and agreed. I was left with no allies. After standing there for a couple seconds I expected her to leave, but she just sat at her desk doing paperwork.

"Uhm, Mrs. Wilson?" I stammered.

"Don't worry Michael. I won't look," she said knowing that I wanted her to leave.

I guess I'm out of options. I took my shoes off and put on a jersey while facing away from her. Before taking off my pants I turned around one last time to check if she's really not looking. Coast is clear. I quickly took my pants off, and put the yoga shorts on hoping that she wouldn't turn around in that moment.

"Done," I said.

"Alright," she said turning around.

After taking a quick look at me she raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't there something you forgot?"

I looked down and instantly realized what she was referring to. A bulge around my crotch was visible because I forgot to tuck my private parts once again.

"Can you... uhm?" I stuttered.

She turned around again, and I made sure that there was no bulge anymore.

"Okay, I'm actually done now."

"Let's go then," she said after quickly glancing over my body.

As I entered the gym Tyler and his friends weren't there yet. I was extremely nervous standing there when it happened. Tyler came up behind me and slapped my ass so hard it could be heard in the entire gym. Jake and Liam started laughing, but it was quickly interrupted by Mrs. Wilson who had seen what Tyler did. What followed was a tirade which I'm sure he will never forget. God, I have never seen her this angry before. She was a strict teacher sure. This was different though. Almost personal.

From the look on Tyler's face I could tell that he regretted doing that. But the damage was done. She sent him home with the promise of more consequences for what he did. He left without saying a word.

I was kind of surprised to see her react like that, given that she was almost defending him earlier, when he blocked me from using the locker room. It still felt satisfying to see him get a taste of his own medicine. Once he left Mrs. Wilson asked me if I was alright. I just nodded. The other students also heard her tirade making it clear that I would be left alone in her class. There was no more snickering even though I was wearing booty shorts again. And it almost felt like people were scared to just look at me.

I left school today feeling better than when I entered for the first time this week. On the car ride home with Mom I even caught myself smiling a bit.

"Feeling better, sweetie?" she asked.

"Can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah... kind of at least."

"I'm happy to hear that. You know I was worried. Moms always worry."

"Yeah. I know."

I couldn't bring myself to tell her what though. It was still mortifying. And while I wouldn't say I'm excited for tomorrow, I was definitely looking forward to see what punishment Tyler would receive. Our principal wouldn't take it lightly, especially with Mrs. Wilson as witness. I just hope that they don't involve my Mom. She worries enough.

It was Friday morning now; finally the weekend. When I picked out my clothes I went to the panties like it was natural. I picked out the yellow pair as it was sunny outside, and it just felt right.

In school it was almost like a switch had flipped. Apparently Tyler was expelled for two weeks for what he did to me. I was relieved to hear to hear that I won't have to deal with him for a while. And the other jerks would certainly leave me alone now too.

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