Could it be?

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When I entered school today I was as insecure as ever. Yesterdays episode at the gym has certainly made the rounds, so I expected the worst. 'Just keep your head down and you'll be fine,' I say to myself. In this moment my thought is interrupted by a female voice.

"Hi," she says.

I look to the side and see Sophie standing there with her long blonde hair and a smile on her face.

"Hi! And uhm thanks for letting me borrow your shorts yesterday," I said hoping that she doesn't know the truth.

"No problem Mikey. Us girls gotta help each other out, right?"

Oh god. She knows everything. They must have told her after school. Shamefaced I turn away to walk to class when she taps me on the shoulder.

"Wait a second. I'm sorry I was just kidding," she said apologetically. "But there is one more thing," she added.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"You know how I helped you out yesterday. It would be nice if you could help me out too."

"I guess. What do you need?"

"I was wondering if I could borrow a pair of your panties by any chance?" she said while she burst out laughing.

At this point other students in the hallway heard our conversation, and also began snickering. Great! Can it even get worse from here. I headed to class where I was met with more giggling, but it was nothing compared to the humiliation that Sophie made me experience. I didn't have a crush on her or anything. She was way out of my league, and we had pretty much never interacted before, yet I liked her. In this moment I wish we could go back to our previous non-existent relationship.

After the initial shame had worn off, the rest of the classes went by without any further incidents. That was until I had to use the restroom. Tyler was already waiting in there, and all the toilet stalls were occupied. This time however, I think it's his sidekicks in there. I turn around to leave, but Tyler blocks my way. They carefully planned this out to further my humiliation.

"Go ahead Mikey. You got nothing to worry about," Tyler said.

I slowly head to the urinal to delay my fate a little longer. As I begin to pull my pants down I hear the stalls behind me open. It was Jake and Liam. All three are standing behind me now trying to intimidate me.

"Purple today, huh?" said Liam.

Without saying anything I just finish up as fast as I can. As I'm about to leave Tyler grabs me by the arm stopping me.

"Hey Mikey. Don't you think it's about time you start using the correct restroom," he said mockingly. "I mean what you got going on down there is more fitting for the women's restroom," he added, clearly referencing both the underwear and my private parts.

My cheeks begin to redden, and I didn't manage to come up with any sort of response. That's when I felt something weird happen.

"Hey look," said Jake while pointing at my crotch.

I couldn't even bring myself too look down. I knew what happened. Tyler let go off my arm, and I sprinted out of the restroom as the three of them began to laugh out loud. Fortunately for me the last class of the day was without any of them. I just put my head down and rushed out of the school as soon as the bell rang. My Mom was already waiting for me.


"Hey. How was your day?" she in queried.

"Terrible. It seems to get worse every day. They won't leave me alone you know."

I could tell she wanted to suggest calling the school again but refrained. The rest of the ride was quiet, and I really couldn't wait to finally get home and take this stupid underwear off. It was supposed to get better, but so far it's only getting worse. At home I was faced with yet another obstacle. I soiled the underwear without noticing it again. The same stain in the same spot. What the hell is wrong with me. Well at least I have plenty of time to clean it today before putting it in the laundry. I put on a pair of boxer-shorts and go to the bathroom to clean the stain.

In this moment Mom is walking upstairs and sees me holding the panties. At this point the whole universe has to be against me. I squeeze the pair really tight in my hands, but it's pointless.

"Again?" she said.

I couldn't get a word out. I just wanted to sink into the floor with shame.

"Just give them to me. I'll wash them. It's alright sweetie." she added trying to comfort me yet again.

I hesitate for a couple of seconds and then hand them to her without making eye contact. My cheeks were burning at this point, and nothing that she said could help.

During dinner there was mostly silence. She tried to distract me with some small talk, but I only gave one word answers. That's when she brought up a more pressing issue for me.

"So you got PE tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Are you excited to wear your new shorts?" she asked.

"Excited? Why would I be excited about that. I honestly want to skip school tomorrow."

"You know that skipping school won't help with your problem. It's just two more days until the weekend. After that it'll get better I promise."

"How could you promise that? So far it's only been getting worse."

She didn't have an answer to that. Still, she also wouldn't change her mind. I was going to school whether I liked it or not.


I really hate seeing my son like that, but I think he's at least partly enjoying it. And I cant the a couple of bullies ruin that for him. However if I call the school , he's never going to talk to me again. I wish he'd understand my point of view a little bit, because he's not giving me much to work with. If nothing changes by Friday, I will take action, even if he hates me for it. It's the only way.

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