The truth

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"You really thought I was going to let you try on my dresses so you could sit at home all day?"

I was speechless. Did she lie to me? Why would she do that? She even accepted that she may have been too pushy earlier.

"How much longer do we have to pretend that you don't want this too?" she continued. "It was cute at first, but at some point you'll have to accept this reality. I mean how many boys your age would have made the decisions you made this week?" she paused. "Look I'm not going to make you wear this to school. You need some time to adjust? That's okay. I promise that I won't rush you in that regard. But this restaurant is out of town. Nobody there will know you." she said as her voice began to soften. "I saw your eyes light up when I talked about trying on dresses. Moms pick up on those things!"

She hasn't talked to me like that since I was a little child, but she was right. I have been in denial, not just since Monday. It's probably for the best I come clean now.

"You're right Mom. I really am enjoying this."

"Good," she said curtly. "Now try this on."

She handed me a dress which she picked out while I was fixing my bulge. I stepped into it without hesitation, pulled it up, and had Mom help me with the zipper in the back. Then she took my hand and led me to the full length mirror in her room. It was a simple black dress with 3/4 sleeves and ending just above the knee.

"Do you like it?"

"No... I love it."

"Don't you dare do that again," she said as both of us started laughing. "Can you see yourself wearing this tonight?"

"Sure," I said cautiously.

"But you want to try on other dresses, right?"

"If you don't mind."

We started smiling again. She gave me several more dresses, all of which I loved. Although it might just have been the excitement of wearing dresses that made me love them. That's when she pulled out a navy blue dress.

"Last one?" she asked.

"Uhm, alright."

She immediately realized that I liked this one in particular. I slipped into it and she helped me with the zipper once again. A knee-length lace dress which tightly hugged my body. It had cap- sleeves which made it very elegant and feminine.

"You really shouldn't have showed me this one."

"Why?" she asked concerned.

"Because you'll never get it back."

I was just kidding, but Mom looked disconcerted. I need to stop with these stupid remarks. Everything is going so well, and I can't help but screw it up.

"I'm not serious Mom. What's wrong?"

"Don't you know?"

"Know what Mom?"

"These dresses I showed you today. They're all yours."

"Wait, really?" I began to tear up.

"Of course. I'm too old for these types of dresses so I'm glad somebody else gets to enjoy them."

"You're not old Mom!"

"Aw thank you sweetie, but I'm serious they're all yours."

"Thank you so much... I don't know what to say..."

"Don't say anything. Just do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"Stop crying or I'll start crying too and ruin my makeup."

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