Before and after

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It was a regular day at school besides the good news I got about Tyler's suspension. Until I heard a familiar voice call out my name in the hallway. It was Sophie again.

"Mikey?" she said.

I tried to ignore it, but she repeated it louder.

"Please. I want to tell you something."

I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. I stopped and walked towards her standing next to her locker.

"About Wednesday," she started. "I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of your situation. And Tyler made it look like you were just some pervert. Can you forgive me?"

I had to pretend to think for a bit so she knows that she really hurt me. But I know I could never be mad at her for long. She was very genuine in her apology after all.

"It's okay Sophie. It's probably best we just move on, yeah?"

"Yeah! And Mikey, if you ever need help with anything let me know, okay? For real this time."

"Sure," I said while giving her a gentle smile which she returned.

While I was walking away to class I wondered what she meant when she said that she 'wasn't aware of my situation'. I mean I'm glad she doesn't think I'm a pervert anymore. But how would she know that I only wore panties, because my regular underwear was still in the laundry. Or was that really the only reason? The thought was interrupted by the bell ringing. Just two more classes, and it's finally weekend.

When I got into the care my Mom looked eager to tell me something.

"So I noticed you're feeling better."


"I was wondering if... maybe... you'd like to go shopping for some new stuff. Trust me no one will know that it's for you. They will just think your mom forced you to go shopping with her."

"Uhm sure, why not," I said after hesitating for a bit.

"Great! Do you want to get changed before we go or?"

"No Mom. It's fine."

We drove to the mall where Mom showed me where she bought my other stuff. I wanted to turn around and leave, but she told me to follow her in a commanding manner. And I did.

"You obviously can't try anything on but I know your size so it should be fine," she assured me.

Ugh, I hope nobody heard that. We were just browsing for a bit when she pointed me to a red lace thong.

"What do you think about this one?" she asked.

"I don't know... seems a bit revealing."

"Well, it's not like other people have to see you in it."

She was right. But then I noticed something else.

"Mom, this is a two-part set. It includes a bra. You know I don't wear that."

"Oh but it's so cute, plus you don't have wear the bralette.

'Bralette'. So that's what that is. An employee must have overheard our conversation as she walked towards us.

"Do you need help with anything?"

"Yeah, I would like to buy this set right here," my Mom said while pointing towards the thong and the bralette.

"Sure thing. What size do you need?" she asked while looking at me.

I was blushing crimson wishing that I could just disappear. I couldn't get a word out, but fortunately Mom told her the size taking the attention away from me. She was gone now, and I was left mortified. Mom showed me several more pairs of panties and some yoga shorts in the meantime. I was still too embarrassed to speak, so I simply nodded when I liked something, and shook my head when I didn't. We were in there for about half an hour before my Mom paid for everything and we left.

"Do you want to grab some food before we go home?"

"No it's fine. I'm not hungry."

I lied, because I didn't want to be seen with those bags on the floor sitting next to me. Back in the car the atmosphere was a little cold. I hope I didn't do anything wrong.

"Do you know why I took you shopping today?" she asked breaking the silence.

"No, not really."

"Well, the school called."

My heart sank. I knew right away what they must have told her. Of course they would. How could I think they wouldn't involve parents after I was assaulted with a teacher as witness.

"I just want you to know that it's not your fault. Unfortunately this is something that happens to most girls at some point. And I'm here for you if you want to talk about it."

Girls? What did she mean by that? I couldn't ask her though, being scared of what she might answer.

"So you wanted to cheer me up?" I asked

"Yeah. Did it work?"

"Uhm yeah. Thank you Mom. It really means a lot to me."

Is it just me or is it a bit strange that a mother takes her son lingerie shopping to cheer him up? And is it kinda of strange that I enjoyed it... despite the awkward moment with the employee.

When we got home she gave me a big hug outside while I was carrying the bags.

"Can we go inside?" I said pointing to the bags.

She understood what I meant, and we headed inside where she took the bags from me.

"Let me get these washed so you can wear them tomorrow... if you want to."

Tomorrow? Tomorrow is Saturday. Why would I wear that stuff on a Saturday. Whatever. She probably just forgot which day it was. But then again, this was the second comment like that today.

The next morning there was a laundry basket with yesterdays purchases washed and folded in my room. When I put them in my closet I had to make some space for them in an extra section. And there it was. My closet was now separated into a boy's, and a girl's section, though the girl's section was much smaller at the moment.

When I put all the clothes away I noticed a pair of cotton shorts which I've seen a lot of girls wear before. It looked really comfortable, and I was tempted to put it on just to see how it feels. But first I had to take a shower. Also I couldn't wear my boxer-shorts underneath as they were probably longer than the shorts themselves. So even though it wasn't a school day I decided to wear another pair of panties today. I mean Mom suggested it right?

Since nobody was going to see them today I went with the pink pair which I avoided so far. Although the red thong also seemed enticing.  After the shower I was looking forward to wearing the cotton shorts. But first the pink panties. The shorts were not as tight as the yoga shorts so they were comfortable enough to wear at home all day. On top I simply wore one of my t-shirts. Walking downstairs Mom definitely noticed my outfit, but didn't say anything. I think I even saw her smile to herself a little.

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