What could go wrong

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What Mom said earlier constantly repeated in my head. 'I know you like it,' she said. I swear that I don't, but that was unmistakably my precum in her underwear, so who would believe me. Like, I didn't even notice when it happened, and I definitely wasn't turned on or anything. It was probably just the tight fabric hugging my manhood which forced this reaction. At this point I don't even believe myself anymore. Maybe I'm just tired.

When I woke up I saw that Mom had washed everything for me to wear including the pair I soiled yesterday. Well, I couldn't wear that again today so I went with a purple pair of bikini-style panties. Once i showered, and put them on I decided to give myself a little pep talk. 'Don't let this happen again! I will control myself!' Maybe I should just masturbate real quick to get rid of the horniness. Surely I won't have any further accidents then. Just as I got myself hard, I noticed that I'm masturbating while wearing women's panties. 'Shit,' I thought. It's too late to stop now. But honestly who cares, nobody will ever know. I only had to make sure not to get a stain on it.

That's when my mind shifted to a different issue. I'll be in the same class as Sophie today, after wearing her booty shorts the entire PE lesson. I hope they didn't tell her the real reason for why I had to borrow them. She probably thinks that I forgot to bring a pair of trunks, and none of the boys had an extra pair. Oblivious to the fact that the only purpose was to humiliate me. And if Mrs. Wilson saw my bulge I'm sure her and the others did as well.


He's taking longer in the bathroom than usual. I wonder if it's got something to do with his new underwear. I mean he knows what it's like, but this is the first time he'll actually be wearing his own pair of panties. Finally he comes out the bathroom looking more even more nervous than the previous days. It will be uncomfortable when I ask him about the shorts, but it has do be done. As we got off the driveway I opened:

"Honey, I've been thinking... I know you told me to trust you, but I just can't figure out why you would need yoga shorts for PE."

"What do you want to hear from me now Mom?" he asked confused.

"I'm beginning to think that these bullies aren't real, and you're just using it as excuse, you know?"

"Wha-What?" he stammered. "An excuse for what?"

"Well, the only reason your underwear wasn't washed on Monday, was because you didn't put them in the laundry in time and..."

"Okay, but that was not on purpose," he interrupted.

"Let me finish," I said sternly. "I know I shouldn't bring it up, but there was also this stain yesterday. It looks like there is more going on than you're telling me."

He was deeply embarrassed that I brought that up again as he didn't get a word out at first. But he was stuck in the car with me. After what felt like an eternity, which was probably just a couple of seconds, he mustered up the courage to speak again.

"So you really think I caused this intentionally, and then lied to keep it going, just so i could wear women's clothes. Surely there would be a better way for me to go on about this."

"Now that you say it like that, it does sound kind of weird, but you're being so secretive recently. And when you leave me to figure things out, I might get the wrong ideas."

"I understand Mom. Would it help if I told you what happened yesterday in PE?" he asked.

 "I guess."

He told me everything from the bullies stealing his clothes, to them forcing him to wear Sophie's shorts, and his 'talk' with Mrs. Wilson. It made me sick what they did to him. I wish I could help him, but after he confided in me, he made me promise not to do anything.

"Okay Michael, I understand. And I'm sorry for not trusting you," I said as he got out of the car.

You would think that I would be relieved to hear that my son didn't actually want to wear women's stuff. And that it was all an unfortunate series of events which led to that, but I caught myself feeling somewhat disappointed. Almost like I wanted my suspicions to be true. I mean, I questioned his motivations, but what about mine. All I had to do was let him stay home for one day, and none of this would have happened. A mother forcing her son to wear her underwear and now he's getting bullied because of it. From his point of view I probably share a large portion of the blame for that. Which I deserve.

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