Good time

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While we were driving to the restaurant I needed to bring up another potentially uncomfortable topic.

"Don't take take this the wrong way, but when you go out like that I think you should use a female name. Just in case somebody asks. You don't have to stick with it or anything. Just for the night, you know?"

"Yeah you're right. At this point I would be offended if somebody thought I was a boy."

I was surprised by what he said, but in a good way. Although he didn't say it outright, he was definitely commending my work on his hair and makeup.

"You know your Dad, and I didn't know if you were going to be a boy or a girl until you were born."

"No, I didn't know that. Why do you bring that up now?"

"Well, since we kept it a surprise we prepared both a girl's, and a boy's name."

"I see where this is going," he said.

"Exactly. So if you were born a girl, your name would have been Lily."

"Lily huh? I guess that works for the night..."

We got to the restaurant, and I could tell he was nervous. He took a couple of seconds before finally getting out of the car.

"Good evening Ladies. What can I do for you?" asked the head waiter.

Lily was blushing when he said that. I told him our name, and that we had a reservation. As he showed us our table Lily always stayed closely behind me like she didn't want to be seen by anybody. Kind of a shame, because she really looks beautiful tonight. She was more at ease when we sat down though. I mean I have no idea what's going on in her head in this moment. It has to be nerve-racking. The rest of the dinner was rather uneventful. Most people were minding their own business, as were we.

Back in the car he was smiling to himself, clearly happy that everything went well.

"How did you like it?" I asked.

"It was great. Everything... not just the food." he said as he began blushing.


Back at home I was almost sad that this day was over, although I'm sure we will do this again at some point. I could barely sleep, because I was still jittery from the dinner. Tomorrow was Sunday which means I have another day to think about school. I certainly wouldn't go to school like that, but maybe I could start by wearing a little makeup everyday. The bullies won't bother me anymore so why not? That's when I remembered that Sophie has said I could always ask her for help. The thought of that made me feel warm inside. The last thing which went through my head before passing out was the waiter calling Mom and I 'Ladies'. Fooling him was certainly easier, because he didn't know me, but it still felt good.

The next morning I woke up feeling deeply relaxed. Opening my closet to pick an outfit for the day, I was taken aback. All the dresses I tried on yesterday were in there. She must have put them there while I was in the bathroom. She did say that they were mine now after all. I could wear one today. It's Sunday so nobody will see me right? I took out the black dress which I tried on first yesterday.

After showering I put in on with my black panties underneath. Closing the zipper alone was a challenge, but I did it. When I looked down on my legs, I noticed Mom was kind of right. The leg hair really ruined the look. I didn't want to wear tights all day, so the razor it was...

"Took quite some time in the bathroom today," Mom said not even addressing the fact that I was wearing a dress again.

"Uhm yeah. I didn't feel like wearing tights all day," I said while pointing to my legs.

"I see," she smiled. "So how did the first time go?"

"Fairly well I guess. Just some cuts here and there."

"You really aren't worried about school anymore, are you?"

"Not really. I think they'll leave me alone for now after Tyler was suspended. He was like the leader, you know?"

"Yeah. Every school has one of those."

The rest of the day went by quickly, as Sundays always do. I was mostly playing games, watching shows, and finishing all my homework. Mom didn't seem to mind at all that I was wearing the dress all day.

Monday morning now, and I laid out the red lace set on my bed. Could I wear this to school? No, I chickened out to go with a regular pair, promising myself that I would wear it this week. Today would be a good day. I could tell the moment I entered school.

"Hey Mikey," said Sophie in the hallway.

"Oh, Hi Sophie."

"Wanna walk to class together?" she asked.

I was dumbfounded. Before last week we never even spoke a word and now she acts like we've been friends forever. I hesitated before agreeing. The entire way she walked really close to me like she was protecting me. Does she like me? Nah. She's probably just overcompensating for being rude last week. Or she is plotting  an even more cruel joke to humiliate me for getting Tyler expelled. They were friends after all. It wasn't my fault, but maybe she still saw it that way.

I borrowed some makeup from Mom to wear today, like I had planned. Just some foundation for now, but it already made me more confident. I wonder if Sophie noticed it.

"You look good today Mikey. Did you do anything different?" she asked.

She noticed. But did that mean that I don't look good normally. Whatever, stop overthinking. Just take the compliment. She sat next to me in the first class, and we made some conversation. The first time we talked about something which didn't relate to my new 'situation'. She was actually very nice, so I was happy to get to know her a little better. Even if the circumstances around it are rather odd.

Story is finished. Feel free to change or continue it if you want. No copyright.

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