Just the Start

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I'm really buying panties and yoga shorts for my son. It feels surreal, but he told me to trust him and I do. I just have this feeling that there is something he isn't telling me. Who could blame me? When I finally reached the mall, I went to the lingerie store first to get that out of the way. Afterwards I would do the grocery shopping. Inside the store I saw many other women, some with their daughters. At least that's what I thought. I kind of suppressed this thought, but shopping for clothes with a daughter always intrigued me. However with two sons, I would never get the opportunity.

Alright, the best way to do this is if I just pretend I'm shopping for my imaginary daughter. What would I get her? After strolling around the store for a bit, I settled on a five-pack of basic lace panties in yellow, blue, green, purple and pink. Five should be enough right? One for each day of the week. He wouldn't need any on the weekend. So far so good, now I just need some yoga shorts which he needs for PE. I kind of gasped when I reached the area for sportswear. The yoga shorts were really short and tight. Is he really going to wear those? Stop, I thought. Remember Kay, you're shopping for your daughter. Just grab some and go.

I went with a grey, and a black pair in the same size. I wouldn't want to buy too many now in case they don't fit. When I payed for everything, the look on the cashiers face made it clear that she knew I wasn't buying this for myself. But she would have no idea that it's for my son. It was quiet exhilarating considering that, it was just a woman buying women's clothes. The secrecy is what makes it exciting. Grocery shopping was dull as usual, but I couldn't wait to finally get home with the new clothes for my daught... I mean my son.

When I entered the living room, he was sitting on the couch smiling at me.

"I got you something. I hope you like it," I said while handing him the bag.

"Yeah, these will do. Thank you, mom," he said after only taking a quick look inside.

He headed upstairs taking the bag with him. I was hoping for a little more excitement, but he's probably just embarassed. After that I went to check the laundry basket so I could wash the underwear I lent him today, but it wasn't there. Yesterday he threw them out of his room right after school. I mean I washed all of his underwear already, so I would expect him to put those on after he's home from school. It has been several hours now since he was home and he is still wearing mine, or at least it's still in his room. I'll just go upstairs and ask him for it under the pretense that I was going to wash everything now, so he could wear his new underwear tomorrow. I went upstairs to knock on his door and he opened.

"Hey, I wanted to wash a batch of clothes right now. Can you give me your the bag so you can wear a pair of them tomorrow? Oh, and you can also give me the ones you borrowed today."

"Uhh, sure just one second," he said coyly before closing the door on me.

Okay so he's still wearing them. Whatever, he probably just forgot to take them off right? That was probably pretty embarrassing for him. I should just wait downstairs. After over five minutes however, he still hasn't come out of his room. I suspect that something is up so I go back upstairs to check on him. Just as I'm about to knock he opens the door. He awkwardly hands me the bag, while staring at the floor and not saying a word. I just shrug it off and go downstairs to the washing machine.

After taking out his panties, and yoga shorts, and having removed their tags I see my black underwear at the bottom of the bag. I pull them out and notice a strange stain at the front. It was small but clearly visible, and I know they were clean when I gave them to him this morning. That's why he took so long, and that's why he was so awkward when he gave me the bag. I throw everything is the machine before going back upstairs to make sure he's okay. I knocked on the door, but understandably he wouldn't open.

"Honey, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I know it wasn't intentional. It happens," I said through the door.


"I've washed your Father's underwear for twenty years. This wasn't the first time I saw something like that."   

He finally opened the door.

"I'm sorry," he said shyly.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. It's in the washing machine and afterwards it'll be like nothing happened. Also, if you want to, you can keep the pair. I know you like it."

"Mom!" he said almost yelling at me.

"Okay okay. I'm sorry. I won't mention it again."

I regretted saying that, as it was already embarrassing enough, but I was just trying to lighten the mood a little. Still, there was some truth to it. I mean how many teenage boys would this happen to if they wore their Mom's underwear. Not many, I reckon. Also, he still hasn't explained why he needs to wear yoga shorts for PE now. What if he's making up the problems in school so he can continue to wear women's clothes. I'm going to ask him about the yoga shorts while I drive him to school tomorrow. If he doesn't have a good explanation, I'm going to dig deeper. Today, I'll leave him alone though.

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