Chapter Two: Comforts of Home

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Nessa hadn't known much of The Shire or its inhabitants. Though Rogue apparently did as throughout almost the entire journey to The Shire, Rogue had complained about a Hobbit being allowed, no, asked, to join them on the quest. And it hadn't stopped now, even when they arrived in Hobbiton.

"Can we talk about something else now?" Nessa whined.


"The whole journey here you've been complaining about a Hobbit joining us."

"Not my problem a Hobbit going on an adventure is unheard of! What is Gandalf thinking?!"

"Gods, you're not even Dwarven yet you're so stubborn."

"I was raised by them though," Stated Rogue.

Nessa sighed. She hated arguing or anything along those lines. "All the more reason we need anybody we can get to help Thorin and his people."

Rogue grunted in frustration, knowing Nessa was talking perfect sense.

After a few moments passed Nessa spoke up.

"So, is he hot?"



Rogue came to a stop. They swivelled around to face Nessa, and glared at her, arms crossed.

"I'm just asking the important question here,"

"The important question here is where on Earth are we?!" Rogue held their map, vigorously turning it and inspecting it from different angles. The next couple of hours drained on. Their map reading skills were not up to measure, clearly. Nonetheless, they had finally reached a market in Bag-End. A very busy one.

"Where are we supposed to find Bilbo now?" Nessa spoke her thoughts aloud.

"Bilbo Baggins?" A fellow Hobbit asked, having overheard.

"Yes, we are looking for him. Do you know where he might be?"

"You're in the right place. He's just over there." The Hobbit pointed to another Hobbit before walking off. The Hobbit in question was further away from them. He anxiously stalked the market, stopping shortly at a stall. It seemed he was waiting for someone, as he glanced at the letter in his hand and back up, skimming the crowd.

"Well, that was easy." They said, striding over with a beat in their step, they felt confident in their plan.

Before Rogue could utter a word, Nessa talked first. "Hello, Mr Baggins. It's nice to meet you." She held her hand out for him to shake, who in return, sent them a puzzled look yet shook her hand to be polite. "I'm sorry, but, do I know you?"

"In a way..." Nessa hesitated.

"Right-" He looked down at his letter and the stall of food again.

Seeing he was losing interest, Rogue noticed the letter and smugly spoke, needing to get to the point. "I suggest you stock up, it will be quite the dinner this evening."

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