Chapter Three: And so the journey begun

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Bilbo Baggins was always entirely on time, except this morning

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Bilbo Baggins was always entirely on time, except this morning.

The journey to reclaim Erebor had begun. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Everyone had set off, gathering their ponies to start travelling and thus commence the journey.

Everyone except Rogue. And Bilbo, of course.

"I told you to bring a horse to The Shire," Gandalf grumbled at Rogue, not seeing their horse anywhere in sight.

"Yes, my Shire Horse." Rogue proudly smiled.

Gandalf stared at them unamusingly. "And where is this Shire Horse?"


Like a saint, a horse in the distance neighed, paired with loud clopping of its hooves, signalling Nessa was near. A black Shire Horse galloped into view and finished by rearing, appearing mighty, towering over the dwarves who glanced up. A combination of astonishment and concern daubed their faces.

"There he is!"

"This is Luffy! Isn't he cute?!" Nessa stroked the horse's black mane before hopping off. Luffy shook his head in contentment. His wavy mane and white fluffy hooves ruffled in the wind.

"Very," Gandalf simply replied, humourless.

Meanwhile, Thorin rolled his eyes at their antics, believing they brought the massive horse solely to show off, and once Thorin has his mind on something, it's hard to change that. Especially when the next thing The Company had their eyes on was Nessa's white barn owl swooping to the scene and effortlessly landing on Luffy.

Thorin stiffened, nostrils flared. "This is not a zoo," He glared at the owl and Nessa.

"Oh, come on! I thought we agreed last night; she's boosting the morale!" Nessa now held the owl in her hands. Fili and Kili were the first to move closer, eagerly jumping at the chance to see Pilvi up close again.

Their overprotective uncle Thorin, unsurprisingly, held an arm out, yanking them away.

"Where's Bilbo?" Rogue asked, looking around conspicuously for the burglar Hobbit, unaware of the scene they and Nessa caused. "Not here yet. I doubt he will show." Thorin mumbled.

"Never mind Bilbo for now. We must set forth. Time is of the essence." Gandalf mounted his horse, ready to initiate the journey, as was Thorin, who led the way.

"Hey, that's my line!" Rogue exclaimed, laughing with Nessa.

Gandalf ignored them, thinking it was just another part of their antic. But Nessa smiled, remembering that line from Rogue's letter.


"I said it. Didn't I say it? Coming here was a waste of time." Dori complained. The Company had set forth from Bag End not long ago, still with no burglar Hobbit in sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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