Usopp Interview

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Yukiko didn't know what to make of this.

One minute she's looking over an Ultra Wormhole.

The next she's in a world of pirates and one of which wants her to be in his crew.

Although she can still use her gear with the help of Rotom and still use her PC, the Ultra Wormhole to her world had somehow been blocked off.

Right now Usopp was putting her through a mock interview to determine her worth as a crewmember.

"Alright, since you already described about being a Pokémon trainer, can you explain more of your journey?" He asked.

"When I first started my journey when I was ten, my home Region, Alola didn't have a Pokemon League, so my grandparents advised me to travel to other regions to broaden my knowledge. I also wanted to prove that Alolanians could be great trainers and manage a League as well. Pachi became my starter a week before my Tenth birthday when she stowed away on a cargo ship for fruit. She was harassed by some bird Pokemon and I defended her from them then Pachi saved me from an angry Bruxish when we stowed into its territory. We've been partners since." Yukiko smiled at the memory as Sparks brought up the data.

"Bruxish, the Ghash Teeth Pokemon.
When it unleashes its psychic power from the protuberance on its head, the grating sound of grinding teeth echoes through the area. It stuns its prey with psychokinesis and then grinds them to mush with its strong teeth. Even a Shellder's shell is no match for it!"

"Yikes! I'd hate to encounter that!" Usopp said.

"Anyway, after Professor Kukui and Oak gave me my two other Pokémon, Amphitrite and Blaise who are now a Primarina and a Charizard, I also captured Merlin who became a Alakazam and Zephyria when she was a Hoppip, then the five of us left for Kanto where we started our journey. In time, we met Nikko who was a Jigglypuff but now a Wigglytuff who I saved from poachers and joined us. The six of them became my main team."

Yukiko smiled as Pachi helped get other pokeballs out. And more Pokémon came out.

"There are 18 total official types of Pokémon as well.
Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dark, Dragon, Steel, and Fairy.
To better explain," Yukiko paused as 17 Pokémon accompanied Pachi.

"Pachi is an electric-type. Teddiursa, Normal, Totodile, water. Mimikyu, Ghost. Arcanine, fire. Mienfoo, fighting. Scyther, Bug. Steenee, Grass. Absol, dark. Vulpix, ice. Seviper, Poison. Espurr, psychic. Alcrieme, Fairy. Wooper, Ground. Applin, Dragon. Golem, Rock. Talonflame, flying. And Klefki, steel." She explained as the Stawhats looked at the pokemon in wonder and amazement.

Then the members of her main team appeared.

"Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, most of which are logical setups. Fire-type Pokémon are weak against Water-type Pokémon, Ice-type Pokémon are weak against Fire-type Pokémon, Water-type Pokémon are weak against Electric-type Pokémon, etc. These matchups also apply to the types of moves as well: A Fire-type move such as Ember will be strong against a Grass-type Pokémon such as Jumpluff. Some types of Pokémon are also immune to a certain type of moves, regardless of its attack power, such as using an offensive Ghost-type move on a Normal-type Pokémon, and vice versa.

Pokémon can have up to two types, making them dual-type Pokémon. Amphitrite for example is water/fairy, and Blaise is fire/Flying."

"Interesting. I guess a duel type can help out in a pinch." Usopp said as he wrote something down.

"In the course of my adventures, I competed in the League by obtaining Gym Badges." Yukiko said as she showed the Badges. "It is an item that serves as proof of a Pokémon Trainer's victory in a battle against a Gym Leader.

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