One Piece x BNHA pt 12: Bonney

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The next person to come in was a woman with pink hair, and she was chomping on a piece of pizza. She also looked to be a grown woman, but she appeared to have the personality of a pre-teen.

"So you are Bonney, right?" Nezu asked.

"Yeah, I was also one of the Supernovas." 

"Supernovas?" Midnight asked.

"Pirates made of 12 people and one animal had bounties over 100,000,000 berries by the tail-end of the previous Pirate Era. People also called us the Worst Generation as we earned a reputation as troublemakers to the nth degree when we all arrived at Sabody Archipelago at the same time," Bonney explained. "Those like myself, Zoro, Luffy, Yukiko, and her squirrel, Pachi, are part of that band of rouges." 

"Who were the others?" Power Loader asked.

"Well, there was 'Mad Monk' Urouge, 'Red Flag' X Drake, Capone 'Gangster' Bege, 'Magician' Basil Hawkins, 'Scratchman' Apoo, 'Massacre Soldier' Killer, Eustass 'Captain Kid,' and 'Surgeon of Death' Trafalgar Law. Most of them have eaten a Devil Fruit."

That's crazy, to think that such people are rampent in their world.

"So how did you become a member of the Strawhats?" Nezu asked.

"Well, I was the leader of the Bonney Pirates before I was a Strawhat. But before that, I was the daughter of a buccaneer. I was the adopted daughter of Bartholomew Kuma, the former king of the Sorbet Kingdom." 

"Kuma? The guy who separated your crew?"

"The very same, but he did not become a shichibukai because he wanted to.........he was fully human when I met him. I lived in a church because I had an illness called Sapphire Scales, which took a toll on my health. He was willing to do anything to get me cured. When he became a Shichibukai, the government made a deal with him. He was to allow them to turn him into a living weapon for my cure. As he became more machine than man, in time, I ate the Age Age Fruit. It allows me to manipulate the age of not only objects, but people and animals too." She said as she demonstrated her ability on the table, making it rot before making it as if it was just made yesterday. "I can also use it on myself." Bonney said as she made herself an old woman to their shock. 

"Whoa! A devil fruit that can manipulate age?! Wait, how old are you really?" Midnight asked.

".................................14....I was ten when I set out as a pirate, but I made myself older to get by. I wanted to find my father. I had no other option as the government wanted to use my power for themselves." Bonney said as she became her true age.

She was no less older than the first years!

"I eventually became a Strawhat after Luffy saved my father, and he reclaimed the Sorbet Kingdom." Bonney said with a smile as she gave them her wanted posters.

'Child' Jewelry Bonney, scout

1st bounty

54,000,000 berries

2nd bounty

140,000,000 berries

3rd bounty

320,000,000 berries

4th bounty

1,0130,000,000 berries


Almost there! Now it's time for Ace and Alina!

What do you think Class 1-A would think when they learn Bonney is their age and a big-time pirate?

Plz comment

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