Arriving at Water 7

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The weather had been fluctuating between Spring and Summer, and the sun is heavenly either way. Perfect for harvesting in Yukiko's case as she gathered the crops.

"We must be entering the next climate zone..." Yukiko said to herself as Pachi took Luffy's hat as a bed.


And Luffy chased the squirrel around the ship for it.

After Yukiko got the hat back for Luffy, his stomach growled.

"Hungry? How about some Sausage curry?" Yukiko asked.

"That sounds good! I'll have that!" Luffy cheers.

However when the ship rocks sharply. Arms appear and keep everyone steady, including the food.

"What the...what's going on out there?!" Nami exclaims.

"It seems like the ship has changed course." Robin answers, sipping her coffee.

"What?!" Nami springs to her feet and bursts out the door.

"Do you see an island?!" Luffy shouts to Nami, who's looking through her binoculars.

"Not really; just a lighthouse." She answers.

"What about the frog? Where did it go?" Luffy asks.

"Frog? What frog?" Yukiko asked.

"Like I'm telling you!" Nami retorts.

"It looks like it's heading towards the lighthouse." Robin says, making Nami flinch.

Yukiko squints and sees something swimming towards a lighthouse figure in the distance.

"Wait, that is a frog!" Yukiko said.


"Frogs should be marinated in white wine to dissolve the mucus, then you cook them with flour and fry them up until crisp." Sanji says out of nowhere.

"Sanji, now's not the time!" Nami snaps.

"If the Captain says we're going after the frog, we don't have much choice in the matter." Robin says.

"Robin…" Nami whines.

"It may be a good idea. If I'm right, it's heading to land. It makes it easier for us." Yukiko said.

"Full speed ahead!" Luffy yells. "After that frog!"

"Aye!" The Merry follows the frog until they get closer to the lighthouse, and the frog leaps out of the water.

"Quick, don't let it get away!" Luffy yells. But then....


"What the heck was that?!" Nami exclaims.

"We must've run ashore or something." Usopp says.

Then the crew hears a strange ringing sound. "What's that?" Nami wonders.

But Yukiko was familiar with that sound.
"Is that, a train whistle?" She whispered.

Nami also caught on quickly.
"Full reverse!" She screams. "Turn full 180 degrees!"

"What the hell is that?!" Sanji yells as the train grows closer.

Everyone else panics and springs into action, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper grabbing the oars. Luckily, the Merry slides off the tracks just in time, landing safely back in the ocean just as the train zooms by.

"That was close!" Luffy exclaims.

"That hunk of metal is trying to kill us!" Usopp cries.

'what on earth is a train doing in the middle of the ocean?' Yukiko thought.

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