One Piece x BNHA pt 25

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Luffy looked over at Yukiko. "The boss they have. Did Robin say he was known as All For One?"

"Yeah, he's a quirk boogeyman, but he sounds like a quirk hoarder. But he seems to know more about quirks than we think..........Luffy. I think we'll need to give him a proper wake-up call."

Luffy smiled as they reached their destination.



A man had just learned that Shigaraki had another failure, only this time, the enemy was ready and quickly took out Muscular and even the new batch of Nomus.

Biting a nail, he was frustrated, yet he was curious. The people were described as those that defended the students in the USJ Incident and the Stain Hosu Incident.

The individuals known as Joyboy and Selene. They both have very interesting and powerful quirks. From what he figured, Joyboy had a rubber body that he uses for his attacks, so blunt force is useless on him. And Selene could create gems from her body, even making them part of her body. She can even create gem weapons, and tap into hidden powers that gems possessed. If he figured right, she has to know about the gems she wants to create along with the power they are associated with.

Their quirks can be good additions to his collection or they can be interesting Nomus too.

Shigaraki was pacing back and forth after another failed attempt.

They lost Muscular and another batch of Nomu and had to leave or be like sitting ducks.

Could this get any worse?!

A large...........fist of all things suddenly crashed down on the hideout?!

How did they find them so quickly?!

And now he's hearing................... drums and bells?

And is someone laughing?

"They found us?! How?!"

"Who are those two?"

Above the demolished bar, they see a giggling male in all white, even his hair.

And a woman with flowing cosmic hair also levitating with gem particles around her head like a halo.

"Hahahahahaha! Found you!" Luffy laughed.

"Now, hope you don't mind.......but where's All for One? He's not here....maybe he'll show up if we played with you for a bit." Yukiko said in a silky voice.

Luffy wasted no time in getting to it.

Kurogiri quickly contacted his master through the T.V screen. "Master, our hideout has been found! It's Joyboy and Selene, they know about you, and they are looking for you!-ACK!" He said before being attacked.

"Gum Gum.....Dawn Fireworks!"

"Pyrope Fan Gust!"

Luffy unleashed a barrage of random punches that went around wildly as Yukiko used a hand fan she summoned to create a strong gust of wind.

Dabi ended up getting knocked out, Spinner was hit below the belt, Kurogiri faceplanted in the ground, Magne broke her arm, Compress broke a leg, Toga and Twice lost some teeth, and Shigaraki got a black eye and was punched in the gut hard.

'How strong are they?! This is a serious hack!'

Around Luffy and Yukiko, people went to see the commotion.

"Are those villains?"

"They look like it,"

"Wait, one of them looks like the guy from the USJ Incident!"

"Is that Joyboy and Selene?!"

"They look different but it is them! They found the League of Villains!"

Then a large black portal appeared and out came a man wearing a black mask.

"Joyboy and Selene. Heard you were looking for me?" He said as he activated a fear quirk but to his surprise it didn't work on them.

"All For One. We finally meet." Yukiko said.

"You the big bad boss? I was expecting you to be scarier." Luffy giggled.

All for One was unmoved. "Well meeting you is an opportunity. I'd like those quirks of yours. And why bother siding with heroes when I can tell you two can be more than this?"

"Hahahaha, what you said is funny! We're just killing time till we go home! Hahaha!"

"Besides, You would not make it on our turf back home."

All For One had enough talking. He was about to attack when Luffy actually grabbed the ground and it became malleable rubber. He then snapped it and made All for One fly into the air, by surprise.

Yukiko appeared behind him with a weapon.

"Techonic Emerald Hammer!" She swung it, hitting the man dead on as he choked on air.

He fell to the ground hitting hard.

'These two...they were so fast, I couldn't track their moves!'

"Impure Black Lightning!" He yelled.

But Luffy was unfazed as he simply grabbed the ground again and, to everyone's shock, deflected it back to him!

Hitting him with fast speed!


He got burned to a crisp.

In the course of the fight, Luffy and Yukiko countered every move All for One made.

All the while, civilians were cheering the couple on.

At one point, All for One finally got to both Yukiko and Luffy, and attempted to gain their "quirks"...............

Only to have a frown on his face.

'Wait................why..............why can't I find anything?! I can't find any quirk gene in either of them!!' He thought in shock.

Luffy laughed. "That won't work on us."

"We ate Devil Fruits to gain these abilities, which can't take our powers!" Yukiko said as they both punched All for One hard in the face.

At the end of the battle, Luffy and Yukiko had to end the fight.

"Gomu Gomu no................Bajrang Gun!"

"Obsidian.....Diamond Cutler!"

All for One, from the force of the attacks, was sent deep, deep, deep, into the Earth as his helmet flew off.

And as it hit the ground, it shattered.
News gets around the next day.

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