Toriko/One Piece Episode 2 part 2

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Thanks to Yukiko catching to what they need, the crew gathered to Mush Room and entered the tower.

They looked over to the rest of the Straw Hat crew as they all got off the ship and onto land. Sanji frowned as he looked at Sunny.

"We didn't talk much last time, so I didn't really notice," Sanji paused, "But you're one weird looking guy."

"I don't want to hear that from a guy with swirly eyebrows!"

"What'd you say!"

"Please, we don't have time for this." Yukiko pleaded.

"Of course, Yuki-chan!" Sanji smiled.

"Hah? Oh! Of course, my apologies." Sani agreed.


Coco had taken them to another part of the island to an area that had some sort of large mound sticking out of the ground.

"You're saying the ingredients are in a place like that?" Zoro said. They all watched as Terry went over and sniffed the ground.

"You can sense it, can't you Terry," Coco got a bark in reply, "I thought so, I can sense powerful electromagnetic waves here. Toriko! This is definitely Mush Room!"

"Great, so we just need to get it out from under the ground," Toriko grinned before punching the seal. Everybody jumped back as they saw the mound suddenly shoot up from the ground.

"WOW!" Luffy exclaimed as everybody saw a building grew from the ground. Yukiko blinked as she saw that the mound was actually the top of a tower like building with designs wrapped around it.

"This is definitely Mush Room," Coco said, "a tower divided into four rooms, with a season on each floor."

"Great," Toriko cracked his knuckles, "so we just have to get the seasonal ingredients from each floor, right?"

"Why in the world would this building be underground?" Nami asked

"This island's name when translated means 'an island of Chinese with a tower.' This tower is the core of the island." Sunny explained

"My my, you people certainly are knowledgable about food. How heartening," Brook commented.

"GOMU GOMU NO PISTOL!" Luffy punched an entrance into the tower, as they went into the tower.

"HOT!" Luffy said as they all ran through the humid room that looked like a jungle, it looked like this was the summer room from how brightly lit it was along with the muggy weather.

"How can this place be so bright and hot when there are no windows?" Usopp asked.

"Oh, that's because of the Light Mushrooms growing on the walls and ceilings," Coco explained.

"Wow." Yukiko said.

Then a large tiger stood in front of them.

"What's that?!" Komatsu exclaimed as  in fright.

"Huh, a Banjyan Tiger." Toriko said, "people say that you can harvest rich, ripened chili paste from them."

"Coincidently this is our first ingredient." Coco said

"Really, how lucky of us," Zoro said as he readied his katanas.

"POISON RIFLE!" Coco aimed his arm towards the tiger that was running towards them, the tiger dodged before attacking the group.

"I think it's best that we split up," Brook said as he ran away from the rampaging tiger.

"That's a good idea," Rin said before running

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