One Piece x BNHA part 20

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Heroes started appearing when the Quirk phenomenon occurred and the general populace acquired superpowers. The dawn of this extraordinary era was plagued by a breakdown of society caused by the sudden onslaught of criminals empowered by their newfound abilities and ordinary people being prejudiced against the Quirk users. As society adapted to the new status quo, the Police Force moved to prioritize leadership and to maintain the status quo, and as such, decided not to use Quirks as weapons.

As chaos and unrest ensued due to the outbreak of Quirks, ordinary civilians with their own Quirks decided to take matters into their own hands to bring order to society, and thus the first "Heroes" appeared. These original Heroes to appear during this time of chaos were Vigilantes, as the Pro Hero system had not yet been implemented, beginning the time period known as the Vigilantly era. Later on, the profession of crime-fighting Quirk users separate from the police and military, and Pro Heroes, began to exist.

Which led to what was going on in Nedzu's office as the Srawhats were talking with him and another person.

She was the Head of the Hero Commission in Japan.

"You want us to act as Pros?" Ace asked.

"Yes, while I am aware that you don't like to be called heroes for your..............odd reasons......I'd like for you to take this role at least until you can return home. We can even arrange costumes for each of you and organize a temporary base for your operations until then. Anything else will be at your description and we could use the help concerning the League of Villians is still at large." She said.

"The same guy that attacked the USJ? You think they could attack again?" Nami asked.

"While they haven't done anything yet, we can't lower our guard, especially since we have All Might teaching now which makes U.A. an even bigger target for them."

"Ah, so they can threaten Green Bean and his friends again? O.K." Luffy said.

"Green Bean?"

"That's what he calls one of the students, Midoriya." Yukiko explained.


"There you have it. We'll be helping since we have nothing else to do until we return." Alina said.

"Good. In addition, we need for you to have a hero name if you wish." The Commissioner said.

"We already call ourselves the Strawhats thanks to Luffy, we'll be the Strawhat Crew, with individual names."

With a little discussion they found some names:


The Summoner Hero: Yuusha


The Pyro Hero: Flame Emperor


The Age Hero: Childiren


The Karate Hero: Xiaolin Mariner


The Musician Hero: Soul King


The Cyborg Hero: Supersteel


The Mysterious Hero: All Sunday


The Miracle Medic Hero: Dr. Sakura


The Kicking Hero: Black Leg


The Marksman Hero: Sogeking

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