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Yukiko sometimes can't believe her luck.

One minute, she and her crew was meeting the king with Ace and Alina, the next she was following Luffy to a secluded part of the palace as he followed the scent of food to a large room.

"What kind of delicious food do they have inside?!" exclaimed the ebony male, his eyes turning into stars and saliva dripped all over his shirt.

"Luffy!" Yukiko snapped while he started to open the doors.

However, once he opened them to reveal what's behind, they saw that it was a pitch black room. There's no way that it was the room to hold a feast.

"What room is this?" Yukiko wondered.

Suddenly he stretched his arms, grabbing onto Yukiko, and leaped above an object to land on a platform which was soft and squishy. He advanced forward, and grunted when he collided with something and bounced back.

'Huh? Is this a bed?' Yukiko thought as Luffy fooled around. 'Who would need a bed like this?'

"Is somebody there?!" cried out a high, feminine voice.

The lights came on, and Luffy let out a surprised yell when the object who was standing on suddenly lifted itself in a sitting position. He fell on a mattress, and the two pirates and Pokémon adjusted to see a mermaid....A HUGE mermaid that looked more than afraid of the intruders.

'Oh......that's who......' Yukiko thought in surprise.

What is i-it?!" she squeaked, tears on the verge of falling. "What are you doing on someone else's body?! Who might you be?!"

"What?! A huge person...No, a mermaid?!" said Luffy in shock.

"Y-You've come to take my life too, haven't you?! B-But I'm not afraid of you!" the young mermaid tried to sound brave, but was failing miserably. "After all, I'm the daughter of Neptune...So I'm not...I'm not...!"

Her tears dropped on the sheet of her bed, and she commenced to sob loudly. She cried for her father and brothers, her wails becoming louder and louder. Luffy tried to avoid the droplets of water:

"H-Hey! What's wrong?! I'm just a pirate who came here to get some food!" said Luffy, as if it would be enough to calm her down.

Yukiko however took the initiative to calm her down.

She took out her ocarina and played Lugia's melody, which got her to pause and looking at Yukiko.

Once Yukiko was finished, she smiled at the princess. "We deeply apologize for scaring you, but my boyfriend was looking for food, and we got lost."

"S-so you don't want to take my life?" She asked.

"Why would we do that?" Luffy asked.

Then Yukiko's observation haki activated and she felt something coming fast toward the room.

An axe aimed at the Mermaid Princess's chest!

Yukiko jumped in front of her and stopped the weapon with her crystalized arms.

The mermaid gasped in shock, gazing at the thing that could have ended her life.

"An axe? Where'd it come from?" sweated Luffy.

Although the princess helped hide them from the guards, Yukiko and Luffy learned that members of their crew were captured and now they were looking for Ace and Alina.

"But still, What kind of superman could have thrown that, and from where?" added Luffy.

"I know...who did it. It's a man named Vander Decken." replied the mermaid, gazing back at the axe. "He did it to get revenge, since I refused to marry him. That man...The Devil placed the curse of 'Mato Mato' upon him. Because of this, he's capable of targeting my life from anywhere at any time, since he has set me as his target. That's why it's dangerous for me to go outside. I'm not even allowed to take a single step outside Koukaku Tower"

"Another Devil Fruit user..." Yukiko muttered, and stopped at the loud growl that escaped from Luffy's stomach.

"I'm hungry..."

Thankfully, Yukiko had 10 bentos prepared for him.

"Are you two close?" The princess asked.

"Yeah, we are a couple after all." Yukiko said as one of her Pokeballs opened and Manaphy appeared.

"Ah! Oh, is that, the Prince of the Sea?"

"You know of Manaphy?" Yukiko asked.

"Yes, all of Fishman Island does. The Prince of the Sea was one of the four gods of this island, and the first prince as well before gifting it to my ancestors. The others included the Creator of the Ocean, the Guardian of the Sea, and the Nymph of Water."

"I see. Well, ah, right, we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Yukiko, this is Pachi and you met Manaphy."


"And I'm Luffy, the man who's going to be the Pirate King!"

"Ah, I'm Shirahoshi." The mermaid princess smiled.

"By the way...If that guy wants to marry you, why is he trying to kill you?" asked Luffy while munching on the bento. "He's not making any sense!"

"He has been doing it for ten years" the mermaid sighed. "And on top of that, my father has decided that the guards can only be in here for five minutes at a time. And so, Megalo is the only one I can talk to. He's my best friend."

"No wonder you've been frightened. Honestly, I'd be scared if anything happened to my boyfriend too." Yukiko said, gazing at the dancing shark.

Although Yukiko had to have Luffy not call Shirahoshi a weakling, she could tell that Shirahoshi really wanted to be out in the world without fear. Which is what she wished, to see the Sea Forest.

And Luffy wanted to do that for her.
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