Sabaody Archipelago pt2

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So as the crew went their separate ways, Yukiko stuck with Luffy on his insistence.

These 'Noble Dragons' or whatever really sound like a bunch of prudes to Yukiko. Hachi explained to her group that they are so arrogant, that they were helmets over their heads so that they won't breathe the same air as the common people. On top of that, the Government lets them get away with anything just because their ancestors founded the World Government 800 years ago.

She did not like the sound of it. And from how the Pokeballs on her belt rattled, neither did her Pokémon.

She had to send Varian back through the PC and Pachi had to hide in her bag as a safety precaution.

"Anyhow," Hachi continued, "there are a few things to keep in mind. Like I said, the Sabaody Archipelago is the last stop on the way to the New World. Everyone passes through here: infamous pirates like you guys, the Marines, bounty hunters after pirates' heads, and human traffickers. Nyuu~! If the last thing catches you, they'll put you on the slave market, and the law won't help you, so don't go doing something that'll make you guys stick out like sore thumbs. The last you'd want is to get their attention. Nyuu~!"

After a while, Luffy, Hachi, Chopper, Brook, Yukiko and Pachi came to a place called Shakky's Rip-off Bar, where they were told the man that could do the coating would be.

"Is Rayleigh or Shakky here? Nyuu~!" he asked.

Inside the bar, there were a few men lying on the floor, and one of them was being held up by the collar by someone.

"I…I'll pay…" he choked out.

The man was being held up by a relatively tall and slim woman with short, black hair with two tufts pointing upwards at the sides. In her mouth was cigarette. She had a pink, cleavage revealing shirt with a big black spider on it, which was rather difficult to see due to the black jacket she wore over it, with the collar and cuffs being similar to a crow's wings, and light blue lines running down the sleeves. She also wore a yellow-beaded necklace, a pair of jeans that had a giraffe-spot pattern on them, and a belt with a white cardigan tied around it. She was also wearing white shoes and painted fingernails.

"Wow, she's tough." Yukiko commented.

"Welcome," said the woman as she turned to the group. "So, what'll you ha…" She trailed off when she saw Hachi. "Oh my…Hatchan! Is that really you?"

"Heh-heh-heh," Hachi chuckled. "Yeah. It's been a while, huh, Shakky? Nyuu~!"

"I'll say!" said the woman, now known as Shakky. "It's been about ten years! You kids make yourselves right at home.. I'll just be a sec. I was just about to rip these bastards off for some phony fees."

"Take your time," Hachi said.

Shakky grabbed the battered men and dragged them to the door.

"Please," she said, "feel free to never come, again!"

After kicking them out, she turned to the group.

"Well, aren't you and your friends the Strawhats?" Shakky as she stood up.

"You've heard of us?" asked Luffy.

"Oh, yeah," said Shakky as she headed behind the counter. "You guys are big talk, around these parts, plus I keep heavily informed."

"Wow!" Caimie said. "Luffy, you're one famous guy!"

"Especially Beast Master. I've heard the two of you are officially a couple, right?" Shakky asked.

"Yeah, still going strong." Yukiko nodded as Luffy hugged her on the side.

"I also read an article about what happened at Enies Lobby," Shakky said. "How much of it is true, exactly? Did you really decide to wage war against the World Government?"

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