Chaos at the Auction House

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Although Nami was willing to give up her money to save Caimie, Yukiko already had a plan in mind.

She had Cheshire and Anubis sneak in and steal the keys with No one noticing a thing and helping the slaves get free.

And Luffy being Luffy, he's not gonna care about causing a riot.

Which is what he was going to do.
Law opened one eye, looking at Luffy.

"Straw Hat," he whispered.

"Is he for real?" Kidd questioned in disbelief.

Charloss aimed his pistol at Luffy.

"You piss me off, too, brat!" he yelled.

BANG! BANG! Charloss fired two shots, but Luffy just simply sidestepped out of the way.

Then, as Luffy was a mere 3 feet from Charloss, he suddenly stopped walking, taking the noble by surprise, and then, with an almighty roar of fury...

Luffy's fist went through Charloss's helmet and connected dead center in his face!

Charloss was sent flying several feet.

"P'TOO!" Luffy spat out a gob of spit on the floor.

He had just struck a Celestial Dragon.

Everyone stared with mixed expressions of shock, horror, and disbelief. Monkey D. Luffy, in his fury, had struck a Celestial Dragon! The only one who appeared to be amused by it were Law and Kidd!

"Sorry about that guys," said Luffy to the rest of the Straw Hats. "Since I punched him, the Marines are gonna send an Admiral here."

Zoro re-sheathed his sword.
"I was about to go at him first, you know," he said.

"No problem, I would've punched that overgrown gourd myself." Yukiko smiled.

Nami ran down to Hatchan's aid since he was shot by Charloss.

"Hachi!" she called. "Get a hold of yourself!"

'Huff! Huff!' Hatchan let out a labored breath.

"Nyuu~! You guys…are in for it, now…!" he said, weakly.

"Oh, well," said Nami with a smile. "It's Luffy. Trouble tends to find him a lot. What can you do?"

Sanji lit a cigarette.

"Looks like we got no choice, now," said Franky.

"I'll tend to Hachi's wounds!" said Chopper. "Franky, you go find Cheshire and Anubis, they have keys to Camie's chains! They should be somewhere in the back!"

"Got it!" Franky said as he ran off.

Hatchan and Pappug stared in awe, the latter of which still had tears in his eyes.

"You guys…!" Pappug muttered.

Roswald and Shalria stared at the motionless form of Charloss. Even they didn't have the gall to strike him like Luffy just did.


'KABANG-BANG-BANG!' He raised his walking staff, which turned out to be a rifle, and opened fire.

This gave the audience a good reason to get out.

"We are the descendants of the creators of the World Government!" Roswald exclaimed. "We'll show you what happens when scum like you DARE to mess with-"

WHAK! Sanji kicked Roswald's staff-rifle out his hand.

"How dare you go firing that thing around while there are ladies here!"

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