Chapter 6 Let's go!

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Cool? " Yeah,  you know it's an expression wow, that's neat , it's the shit , it's awesome  you get it?"
Why is it awesome? I giggled " You, must not know that the whole story about ,Kagome being pulled into the bone eaters well, and traversing time ,to feudal era Japan yeah your ancestors are popular which brings the question to mind how did they all end up here?"

"Hmm!" his grandfather grins, not bothering to endulge my curiosity.
Ikuo, lifts me " We ,will be going back  grandfather!"  Come, visit us soon! " We will ! I said with a grin.

He ,flew back to the hut, he lands and I stood looking at the damage " Oh no, the hut is torn up!" Don't, worry it will be repaired! Going, around the corner, the others are discussing something with  Marsha, and one of her mates I notice Lu was aggravated and placed my hand on his shoulder "Anything,  upset you besides the fight?" 

Yes,Jessica they are requesting you, stay in yokai territory until after the fight! " Lu, as long as I can ,be next to all of you I am happy!" Pulling, me into a gentle hug .. That, is my dilemma because I have to return, to the Isles after our mating!

" I understand, you are the ruler but I will miss you!" It's ,only until after the gala fight ! I look at Marsha " So, when is the gala?" In two days! "That's all, then we can all be together at the Isles?" Right!

"So ,we leave tomorrow? " They nod .. Lu, it will be okay let's go, back tonight and, I'll go with them tomorrow okay! He reluctantly nods. Lu ,lifts me and we go to our place getting there I had a idea "Hey, why don't we all bathe together?" The, young yokai who had ,been sweeping earlier blushed .

Aero smirks " I, really love that idea!" Sabre, purrs as his claw gently strokes my cheek, " Time in the pool with my mate!" Ghal, growls lowly as his, claw slipped into my flower, Lu captured my lips passionately ,Dem began to lick all the ,sensitive pleasure points we all had a night filled with passion.

The next morning...the sound of birdsong ,from the window nudged me ,as the sun tickles my nose , a soft breeze whistles from the other window I sit up slowly Dem, is standing at the back door pissing, so I go hug his back " Good morning!" He chuckled at my antics .. And, good morning to my love! Turning to face me with a grin " Morning ,wood is glorious but I'm still sore ,from last night's dessert!" He, chuckled kissing me gently.

We have emeralds! I look around " Thanks Kaiser!" I, hug and kiss him as, his cool hands pull me into his coils to snuggle.  Lu comes over " Sweetheart, come snuggle with us?" Sweetheart? He smiles mischievously "Yeah, my Lu is my sweetheart!" He ,smiled kissing my lips.

"I ,guess we should get something to eat !" We, have to get supplies for ,the next couple days so we will go to the village! I nod. "Where do we go?" I ask rubbing my belly " I have to pee!" Lu ,lifts me ,and carried me to a room in the house " Oh ,wow so this is like a toilet huh?" The, last human helped us create something like it!

" She, is awesome in my book!" Lifting ,my dress I just go ahead and pee . Lu, chuckled as my face flushed with embarrassment. Jessica, don't be embarrassed, we don't mind it's our duty!

" I know, but um females from ,my world are independent, and enjoy a bit of privacy but it doesn't really bother me too much I feel good knowing you aren't disgusted to help me like this!"

Happy tears, these are happy tears mate! I kissed him on the way out to the bathing pool and had a quick fun round and then got dressed.

Leaving Aero carried me proudly, in the village we purchased materials for another outfit, something the mer use and some crystal gems and things " I ,will make this for you ,and you wear it the day at the gala! " Okay Lu!" He smiled.  We land at Marsha's hut a tall yokai came out " Let's go!"

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