Omega - Ω

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Morning. She had never particularly liked the mornings.

Why?... It meant she had to wake up. However waking up, unfortunately, was just another part of life.

It was necessary in order to start the day.

She got on her clothes... Ready to start her morning.

Despite the fact that she just woke up, she didn't look much worse for wear.

Her silvery white hair looked as silky as it always did. Her blue eyes were vibrant, and showed no traces of fatigue, despite the girls demeanour indicating otherwise.

She needed to to go the bathroom and get ready for the day. But...

Walking. Instead of walking. Couldn't she just?...

No... She had been taught not to lean on those abilities. Convenient as they were.

This girl was... Special... For a lack of a better term.

Well, to start of with. When it came to being "special", the girl was hardly the only one. She was aware that the world in which she lived was inhabited by a certain type of human that could supernatural things...

The general term for these types of people were called "Magi". They practiced Magecraft, also known as Thaumaturgy.

It was quite different from magic. No, magic was something in its own category.

Magecraft was the ability to perform feats already possible with science through... Supernatural means, such as mana.

Whereas Magic was the ability to perform actual miracles that defies conventional science.

That was extremely rare.

Now back to this girl. The strange thing about her is. She was able to perform said "miracles"...

Have you ever wanted to be able to bend and warp the very fabric of spacetime itself? Even if only to perform a feat as simple and convenient as teleportation?

Well... This 8 year old girl could do so. Quite easily in fact. All it really took was a thought, as with the other "miracles" she could perform.

Her mother and warned her that she was better off not relying too much on her abilities, probably due to a desire for her not to become complacent and neglect physical activity. With abilities like these, she would never really need to move to achieve anything.

But she was worrying too much, not moving at all just to use her powers would be more of a hassle for her mentally than actually being active and doing things for herself.

Another reason was mainly because of the kind of troublesome situations she'd get herself and others related to her in if anyone became aware of the ghastly feats she could perform. 

And, under no circumstances, was she allowed to use any of her abilities on people. It was the rule her mother was quite stern on.

She complied with her mothers wishes...


Most of the time... While she did not intend on disobeying her mothers more serious rules regarding her abilities, she saw no harm in using her abilities to perform menial tasks such as dressing herself from time to time.

With clothing taken care of, all she really needed to do was take a visit to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

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