Lesson 1

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"Come on Fallon, we'll be late" 

"I'm on my way Viv, give me a sec. Just putting on my shoes right now." I stumble trying to tie my laces. "Why do you always drag me to your 'new hobby' that you quit after a month anyways?" 

"Cause you're the only one stupid enough to say yes every time babes" she laughs closing the door behind the two of us. "Now stop complaining and get in the car before I drag you by the ears. Besides you enjoy doing all these new activities too. Admit it." 

"Alright some of them are fun, that's true. But only some. Like boxing and fencing, those were fun." I look at her as she stops at a red light. "Diving and teakwondo however.... I could still kill you for those." I grumble. I get shivers just thinking about it, really, worst this ever to start in your twenties.  "Jokes aside tho... what are we doing this time?" 

Suddenly the car stops. "We're here. Look outside." That smug look on her face makes me feel uneasy. I gulp and turn my head to look outside my window. 

"Dancing? Is this some kind of joke?" 


"You do realise that I already dance, right? You didn't hit your head or anything and forgot, right? Besides you used to dance so what's the sudden change of heart?" I would have loved to see my face cause my expression must have really been something. 

"Well.... I do kinda miss dancing and i used to enjoy it a lot back home, so I thought why not give it a shot. Besides I saw online a lot of reviews that said that this is one of the best places because the teachers are all pro-dancers who create choreos  for big names and regularly go to competitions. Also, you dance ballet and this could be a fun change to expand your horizon." 

Oh, how I could strangle her in this car and no one would know. Breathe Fallon, breathe. At least it's dance, something you love and not I don't know knive-throwing. 

"I'm good with ballet. I have no interest in broadening my horizon. Besides I tried  ballroom-dance, Salsa, tango and hip-hop before. So it's not like I didn't try." Those were dark times. I was young and thought i could be a pro dancer. But I realised that nothing had that same hold on me like ballet. I could talk about it all day. Ballet, the love of my life.

"Enough with this judgement. Get your ass out of the seat and let's go. Otherwise we'll really be late and I don't want to make a bad impression on the first day. I do have you with me so..."

"Heyyyy.... Do you mean that I am a bad impression. How rudeeeeee." The emphasis really is on the r. 

"Don't Tao me. You hear me. Don't bring the boys into this." Her weak-spot 'Heartstopper'. She'd do anything for them and I mean ANYTHING. 

We walk into the building and I do have to admit it's impressive all the photos and rewards on the wall. I guess she was right, they are pros in here. I look around a bit more while Viv talks to the Lady at the reception. Like what school has a reception. One picture suddenly catches my eyes. Upon further inspection I realise that it's the same one like at my ballet school. My dance teacher, holding the trophy for first place but why does the title say 'Competition for Street-dance 1992.' I'll definitely have to ask her about it next time.  Completely lost in thoughts I almost shriek as Viv taps me on the shoulder. 

"Come on. we need to go to room 117. Lesson starts in 10 minutes. The receptionist said it's with someone called Lee, I think?"

"You think?" I look at her in disbelief. One day we'll die because she never pays attention. Seriously. I just shake my head at this point. "You are the reason why I have to pay so much for skincare. You constantly give me wrinkles."

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