Lesson 10

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Bada and I have been dating for a couple of weeks now. Well I don't know if it's really dating. After all she hasn't asked me to be her girlfriend yet. I know nowadays that's not really expected anymore but I do kinda want her to ask me officially. But let's not dwell on a technicality. 

"What are you thinking about princess?" Bada looks up at me, since she's currently laying on my lap. 

"Oh, nothing really. Just how lucky I am to have you." I tell her leaning down and pecking her lips. Our lips stay connected and this innocent kiss turns into a whole make-out session. 

"I... have.... a... surprise... for... you..." Bada informs me between kisses. I pull away and stare her in the eyes. 

"A surprise? I hope it's not like the last one." Last time she tried backing me a cake and let's just say, she almost blew up my kitchen. 

"Don't worry. I'm not backing again. But I have prepared a little trip for us." My ears perk up. A trip? How romantic. 

"Where to?" Excitement lacing my voice.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" She smirks at me knowing how curious I get.    

"That is not fair. At least tell me when we are going." I pout at her hoping she would give in. 

"Good try but I'm not telling you anything other than that we leave in an hour." 

"WHAT?! And you tell me this now. I need to get ready and change, do my makeup and hair." I jump up from the sofa and sprint to my room. 

"You look beautiful the way you are!"

"Oh, shut it. I look like I've been in a tornado for the past week." I do have to admit that I find it very cute that Bada likes me looking like a mess. My cheeks getting warmer by the second. 

"Are you ready yet? We need to start making a move." I hear Bada shouting from the living room. 

"I'm coming." I rush out, wearing blue straight-cut jeans and a white halter-neck top with ribbons wrapping around my waist. My makeup is light and my hair is up in a ponytail. For shoes I went with white plateau chucks. "All ready." I do a quick 180°. 

"Gorgeous as ever." She pecks my lips and pulls me close to her. "Let's go." We head downstairs and enter her car.  

We've been driving for 2 hours now. Having left Seoul and heading south. 

"Sooooo... where are we going?" I lean over to her moving my face close to hers.

"I'm not telling you." She turns her head gives me a quick peck and focuses back on the road. I sigh. This is going to be a long drive. "What? Are you already bored princess?" 

"No. Maybe a little." I lay my head on the window and close my eyes. Something cold touches my thigh making me shiver. It's Badas hand, caressing my thigh sneakily moving higher and higher. 

"Unbutton your pants." She commands not looking away from the road. I gulp. Really Bada, now? In the car while you are driving? "Now." Okay, now. I slowly unbutton and unzip my jeans. 

"Good girl. Always so obedient." She grabs my chin and pushes two fingers down my throat making me gag. Warn a woman, damn. She pulls them back out and travels her hand down into my jeans. Drawing circles on my entrance. 

"Bada, please..." I shut my eyes. The stimulation making me want more. 

"Please what? Use your words darling. If you want something, beg for it." Always this power-play. But I need her so bad right now so I give in. 

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