Lesson 8

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It's been weeks since I've last seen Bada. To be exact it's been 7 weeks. That's almost 2 months. I dropped the dance lessons with her after she walked out on me. No bearing to see her. I know it was a cowardly move, but I just couldn't go. I tried. I really did. More than once I almost entered the facility but something just held me back. Also I was too busy with ballet rehearsals. After all I couldn't dance for quite a few days because of my back, so I spent every free minute at the studio learning my moves and helping Mina with  hers. The premiere is this Friday so I'm stressed especially because it's Wednesday. 

"Heyyyy" A voice pulls me out of my thoughts. 

"Heyy Viv. What are you doing here?" I look a bit confused. I mean it's 8pm, so I really didn't expect anyone around. 

"I thought I'd stop by on my way home and see how it's going. And drop of some hot tea." She hands me a thermos. 

"Oh wow. Thanks" I take it from her and sip on the hot beverage. 

"You look terrible babes. Like physically but also your eyes look drained." She looks at me concerned with a knowing look.

"It has nothing to do with her. I'm just tired from practice. It's been a rough couple of weeks." Of course I told Viv all about what happened that night. And to say she was shocked is an understatement. She was done with the world. And I was done with the world when she told me at the time, that the guy that Bada was allegedly dating wasn't actually her boyfriend but just a rumour that the two never cleared up because they thought it was funny to mess with people. It definitely worked. If I had known earlier I would've kissed her that night. But I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Sometimes the universe is just not on your side. It hurts like a bi*ch but you get over it. Not immediately but with patience and time. After all time heals all wounds. Ohhh, what a load of crap. I'm miserable. I miss her, I miss her touch, her scent, but especially her eyes. Those eyes.

"Earth to All" Viv waves her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I was lost in thoughts." 

"Fallon, thank god you are still here." We turn around to see Miss Lee walking towards us. "Mina had an accident at work and can't perform. I need you to take over her part of the dying swan." Mina is hurt, omg that's terrible. She was really looking forward to this.

"Oh no, what happened? Is it very bad?" So many questions. 

"She said she's fine. The doctor said it's a sprained ankle and she should be fit in a couple of weeks. She also said that you helped her with her part and that you know it by hard so I need you to step in for her on Friday, alright."

"Yes, of course Miss Lee. I won't disappoint you." I bow my head to her. She says her goodbyes and leaves. 

"I'm guessing that means you'll be staying here to practice." 

"I guess so Viv." I sigh. Great even more work. We say our goodbyes and she leaves too. I turn the music back up and return to practising.  


It's currently Thursday, 2pm and we are rehearsing the ballet for the third time now on stage making sure every move is exactly perfect. It's now time for the final scene. My solo scene, well actually Minas but you know... I dance the moves that I spent all of last night rehearsing until my feet were covered in blood. I do the routine as effortlessly as possible. 

"Alright everyone listen up. We are done for today, go home and rest for tomorrow. I'll see you all bright and early. The show starts at 6pm. So I expect you all to be here by 9am sharp. Everyone needs to be on time, you hear me." We all agree in unison and head out in our separate ways. I reach my place where I spot a present on my doormat. It's a gift basket. Now who would send me a gift basket? I take it with me inside and look for a card or anything of that kind. 

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