Lesson 2

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*Ding Dong* *Ding Dooooooooooooong*

"Urgh. ALL OPEN UP!!" The front door swings open. "HA, I FOUND YOUR EXTRA KEY. ALL!! WHERE ARE YOU? YOU BETTER NOT STILL BE SLEEPING!!" And there she is my best friend standing in the door frame of my bedroom.

"Rise and shine, gorgeous" She grins at me as if yesterday didn't happen.

"Do I smell doughnuts?" The sweet smell fills my nose as I rub my eyes and yawn.

"Jup, your favourite ones as well. So get your pretty ass to the bathroom and get ready." and with that she turns on her heel and goes straight to the kitchen. Lazily I heap myself out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to get ready. I brush my teeth, put my hair into a loose braid, do my skincare, a light makeup look and change to some comfy clothes. Since it's still summer I opt for a linen-based outfit, a white button-down that's like 3 sizes to big and some black shorts.

"Now where are those doughnuts?" I practically slam the bathroom door open.

"There, some fresh brewed coffee and a boston-creme for you babes." She hands me the plate and mug, takes her own serving and we plop down on my sofa.

"Firstly, sorry about yesterday. I didn't expect the dance lessons to turn out like that. I thought it would be a fun activity to do together. And I promise I'll never drag you anywhere again against your will."

"It's alright Viv. It's not your fault that she has some personal vendetta against me for some reason. And I enjoy going with you to all these crazy hobbies, so don't ever stop dragging me along." I take a sip of my mug thinking about yesterday. So many questions arise.

"I'll call the studio tomorrow and cancel all future lessons. We won't have to set a foot in there ever again."

"No, don't do that. I won't lose to her. Oh, no. We are going to EVERY lesson you hear me. I am not backing down. We are not some scared chickens that can be treated like that."

"All, put your pride aside for once, please. It's no use. If she doesn't like you, she'll give you a hell of a time. Why put yourself through that?"

"Viv, you know me. I'm going. With or without you, alright?"

"You really leave me no choice, huh. Then it's settled. We are going to all the lessons. But enough about that. What do we wanna do today? Just chill at your place or shall we go out?"

"I mean the weather is quite nice and we don't have any Uni stuff to do. So why don't we go to the nearby park? We can grab some iced-coffees and just walk around. Usually, on such days you'll often find a lot of street-performers in the park so that might be nice to watch."

"Alright, then that's settled. We finish the doughnuts and head out."

"We can't be too late tho, I have ballet class in the evening at 6pm." We finish up, put the dishes away, I put some sunnies on and a cap, grab my bag and we head out. As expected the park was quite alive when we arrived. We grab some iced-coffees from a small stand and start walking around.

"Excuse me Miss?" Someone taps me on the shoulder.


"I know you from Insta, could I get a photo with you? Also, your outfit is amazing." It's a young girl. 15 maybe 16 years old.

"Of course. You look really great as well." We take a few pictures together and go our separate ways.

"Ouuuuuu, look at you. Being recognised in public. Miss influencer." Viv laughs.

"Stop ittttt. It's really nothing." Being the ex of a kinda famous person definitely put me out there for the world and gave my socials a huge boost. At first that really intimidated me but now I kinda like it. It's nice to know that people look up to you and aspire to be like you. But it for sure comes with its sacrifices. Privacy is something that just goes missing over night practically and I'm just a measly influencer. I can't begin to imagine how it has to be for like really famous, famous people.

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