Lesson 4

900 33 2

Disclaimer: Sexual activity

Why is it Wednesday already? I don't wanna go to the dance lessons, like at all. I just recovered from last week's embarrassment. I'm not ready to go through that again.



Hey, I can't make it to today's lesson. Work needs me overtime


Viv, you can't seriously bail on me. Not todayyyyyy


I'm really so sorry All, yk you don't have to go right?


You know I have to for my pride


SMH..... ttyl


I guess it's only me today. Better start getting ready cause the last thing I need right now is to be late. Okay, so what do I wear. Hmmmmmmm....... How about my black leotard and some baggy sweat-shorts. Yeah, that works and some black chucks to tie it all together. Alright, so my outfit is set, my hair I'll put in a loose braid so it's out the way. Last thing I need is my helmet and we can leave. I grab the rest of my stuff and make my way to the studio, already dreading this.

"All right class, welcome back to this week's lesson. Today we will start with learning a choreo. So, look at my steps and then slowly start copying them." Bada starts with her moves and I have to be honest, she dances amazingly. Her moves are fierce, exactly on beat and so cleanly executed. She repeats the choreo a few more times and I start copying her moves. By the 4th time I am almost at the same tempo like her. As I am once again standing at the front I can tell that she's been looking at me through the mirror. Following my every move, looking at every inch of my body. A shiver runs down my spine. Those eyes are gonna be the death of me. Her gaze travels up and down, finally landing on my face, first my lips and then my eyes. Practically staring at them, no thru them. As if she was trying to reach my soul. It feels as if time has stopped and we are the only people in the room. I try to look away but it's like her gaze is holding me firm in my place not allowing me to move away from her eyes. My heartbeat gets stronger and louder. almost pounding out of my chest. It's the only thing I can hear besides the muffled music in the background that starts coming to an end. And like on command her eyes rip away from me as the song stops. I feel like I just took an ice cold shower. As if someone ripped out my soul and left behind an empty shell. I gasp for air coming back to reality. Sweat drips down my forehead, travelling down the sides of my face and neck and finally resting on my chest, which is moving up and down rapidly trying to get my racing heart under control. From the corner of my eye I can see her chest moving just as fast as mine. Was I making her heart race? Just like she did with mine. No, surely not. It's probably just the exhaustion from dancing. Yes, yes, that's it. The choreo is quite hard after all. The rest of the lesson she doesn't look at me again. Not once. Not even a quick glance. Nothing.

After the lesson I start packing my bag. Exhausted from the lesson and the bad sleep from last night I just take my time, really not being bothered by the fact that I'm the last one in the room. Lazily I throw my bag over my shoulder and make my way to the parking lot.

"Ballet, huh? Not what I would have imagined but it does fit quite well." I sigh as my head drops. Not again. Really, just.... I am absolutely not in the mood for this, so I just keep walking. Paying no attention to her until she stops directly in my tracks.

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