Lesson 3

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What a week it has been. Between Ballet, Uni stuff and content creation I've barely had a chance to breathe so this party at Minas today is exactly what I need to rewind and just let loose. Now I'm not really a big party girl but an invitation from Mina you just can't turn down. She throws the best parties ever, hands down. Now the party starts at 8pm ..... means I leave at 8 and I'll be there hopefully around 8.30 - 8.45pm. Well, I need to stop at Vivs first, change there and drive the two of us. So I leave at 5 to go to Vivs and we leave there at 8. Yes, like that we have enough time to get ready. Now what's the time now? I pick up my phone and look at the clock. 1:30pm. Enough time to hit the gym downstairs and maybe have a jam out session. So I put on my gym clothes and head down stairs for a cardio day. I really can use it. After all this body doesn't maintain itself. Down, I immediately put in my headphones and start running on the treadmill. I notice from the corner of my eye someone get on the treadmill next to me. A guy, mid twenties maybe. He's tall, like 180cm+ tall. Has quite broad shoulders and toned muscles. Let's be real, I'm totally checking him out. But he's definitely checking me out too. It's like I can feel him undressing me with his eyes.

"Hey, I'm Johnny." I see that his lips are moving so just going out on a limp here, I think he's talking to me. So I take my earplugs out. I think he get's the gist and starts again.

"Hey, I'm Johnny. And you are?" He reaches his hand over for a handshake. This man for real? I'm running on a treadmill, how on earth am I gonna shake his hand. Besides, I'm sweating, which means my hands are clammy.

"I'm Fallon, nice to meet you." I reach over and shake his hand kinda, in like an awkward short shake. Of course, how could it be different, I trip over my own feet and fall. On the treadmill. Oh, great. A cute guy, interested in me and I make a fool of myself.

"Omg, are you alright? I'm so sorry. A handshake while running wasn't my brightest moment haha." He laughs awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck. "Let me help you up, it's the least I can do for making such a pretty girl like you fall." He swoops me up from underneath my arms and helps me back on my legs. "I've never seen you in this gym before. How come?"

"Well, I've only moved to Korea 3 months ago, so that could explain it."

"Really? Your Korean is so good, I would have guessed you'd have been here for at least 5 years."

"Thanks, haha. I have a thing for languages and I'm really good at learning them so I guess that explains it, kinda." Now I'm the one scratching the back of my neck.

"Well... I've gotta go but it was lovely meeting you Fallon. Is there any chance, you'd give me your number?" I look at him perplexed. After my grandiose performance here he still wants my number? I must be dreaming because since when do I have so much luck.

"Oh, yeah.. sure..." I blush as he passes me his phone to type in my number. We bid our farewells and he leaves. Oh,my. He was cute and totally my type. Thank the heavens. Finally something good is happening to me. I finish up my workout and head back to my apartment.



You on your way yet?


I'll hop under the shower rn and then leave


K. Hurry up tho.


Aaahhhhhhhh, that was a good shower. I put some comfy clothes on, grab my outfit for tonight, my makeup bag, shoes and purse and head out the door. At Vivs place I ring the doorbell and she opens right away.

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