Lesson 9

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...Bada. Dressed in a black suit, hair laying over her shoulders. In her hands she holds a bouquet of red roses.

"These are for you." She holds the flowers out for me to take. I look at her. No. I stare at her. My body frozen in place. I don't know if I shall scream at her, kiss her or kill her. Right now I'm leaning towards the latter. I can feel the anger rising up in me. She has some nerve. Showing up here with flowers and expecting the whole thing to be fine. I walk towards her, grab the flowers and start hitting her with them. Bada shields her head with her arms and walks backwards until she hits the wall. "Fallon, okay okay. I get it please stop." She pleads.

"Why? Tell me one good reason Bada Lee. One" I scream at her. She gets a hold of my wrists stopping me from hitting her.

"I know I was a jerk. I shouldn't have walked out on you that day without an explanation. And I should have reached out to you sooner. I'm sorry I really am. But hear me out please." She practically begs.

"You have 2 minutes." I step away from her and cross my arms.

"I... I like you Fallon. Like a lot. I want you. To be with you. You light up my world. I didn't think that a person could ever make me feel the way that you do. When I'm not around you I feel empty like a part of me is missing. Ever since you stepped into my dance class I have liked you. At first I thought I just admired your beauty. But when I saw you at Minas party I knew it's not just that. Back then I didn't know that I had a crush on you. But then we just happened to run into each other more often and every time I saw you I wanted to do nothing more but to tell you how I felt. But I was scared. Scared of you rejecting me. Of me making a fool of myself and you never wanting to talk with me ever again. Of you finding me disgusting. So I decided to just ignore whatever I was feeling. But the night when I slept in your bed I realised that I would never be good enough for you. That you deserved someone who would protect you, make you feel like the princess you are and love you unconditionally. And I realised that you would never chose me. That I would never be able to be that person. Not when I nearly cost you your passion. So I decided to leave. To go as far away from you as possible. To forget you. To get over you. But I couldn't. You were on my mind every waking moment. I couldn't dance without thinking about you, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't live. That's why I sent you that gift basket. I wanted to show you that you are loved and adored. I love you Fallon." Tears were streaming down both our faces. I never expected Bada to feel this way about me. I always hoped, wished but never believed. And now she was standing infront of me, confessing her love to ME.

"I love you too Bada Lee." With that I fall around her neck and pull her into a tight embrace. Her arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to her. I can hear her rapid heart beat through her chest. Mine is probably just as fast. I sniffle and look up at her.

"Even when you are crying you look absolutely stunning, darling." She looks me deep in the eyes and I can tell she wants to kiss me. So I pull her face down and crash my lips onto hers. One hand glides up to my head pulling me in more while the other stays wrapped around my waist. My arms are wrapped around her neck and I pull her closer to me too. Our lips move in sync. As if they've done this already a thousand times. We both pull away for some air but still staying embraced. "Will you forgive me love?" Those pet names drive me absolutely nuts.

"Yes Bada Lee. I forgive you. But don't ever hurt me like that again, you hear me." She chuckles.

"Never." She pecks my lips. "Now how about you get your pretty ass out of this gorgeous costume and get changed? Because I would love to take you out for dinner. You deserve it." I can feel myself turning red. Is she inviting me on a date?

"Are you inviting me on a date Bada?"

"That's exactly what I'm doing." She winks at me. The blush on my cheeks turning redder by the second. I get out of my tutu and change into a dark red dress with no sleeves and an open back. The dress goes until my ankles and has a turtleneck. I remove my stage makeup and my headpiece. I take ou the bun, letting my hair fall in it's natural form and add some bush and red lipstick.

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