Lesson 6

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Urghhhhhh.... My head is killing me. And I didn't even drink anything, the hell.  I roll out of bed, quite literally, and make my way to the bathroom. After a quick shower I get dressed. Since I'm heading to ballet class, I put on a white leotard, white tights and a white skirt. Kinda ironic going in all white when I'm gonna be the black swan, but whatevs haha. After hair and makeup, I grab my stuff and head out. Thanks to Viv, I was able to fill the tank of my bike and get it back home, so I don't need to use the bus. 

"Good morning Fallon!!" Charlotte, a friend from a different class greets me as we head in at the same time. "You're here quite early. Aren't you in Miss Lee's class?" she looks at me confused. Charlie was my first friend here in Korea. We used to be in the same class but she switched because the evening classes were not working with her schedule, so we rarely see each other anymore at the studio.

"Hey Charls, yeah I'm still with Miss Lee. I came early to have the dance room for myself to practice a bit. But no worries, Miss Lee knows." She gives me an acknowledging look and heads off in a different direction. Probably to her class. I reach the room, head inside and start warming up. After a good 30 minutes I'm all warm and ready, so I finally put on my point shoes and do some stretches and turns to warm up the shoes as well. After another 10 minutes I head to the stereo and put on the 'introduction suite'. I head to the centre of the room and get into starting position in front of the large mirrors. The music starts and my body follows the rhythm of the song. Moving gracefully along, and picking up speed as the song progresses. The music becomes more deep and darker. But also quite fast so I hurried my steps to keep up. Falling back to the more slow moves as the sound becomes dramatic. I make sure to check my expressions for all the parts. When the music is dramatic my face has to show that, and when it's slow and sad you have to be able to see the misery on me. The song switches up to the 'valse suite', so I hurry back to the centre. Since the sound is a lot more happy and upbeat a broad smile builds up on my face. The routine flows well and my body moves along to the beat. Making sure to always stay graceful even in the difficult turns. As the song dies down I can hear clapping. 

"Fallon, maybe we chose the wrong character for you. Maybe you should have been Odette and not the black swan. You already know all of the moves, I'm impressed." I look up into the mirror to see Miss Lee with quite a surprised look on her face. But she's not alone. Next to her is no other than the other Lee. Bada Lee. And her face is shocked. As if she just saw a ghost kinda shocked. She Shook, like properly. Jungshook if you will. 

"Oh it's nothing really. I danced Odette before so it's hard to forget the moves." I laugh awkwardly, looking between Miss Lee and Bada. I have no clue what to do right now. I just stand there waiting for someone to say something. 

"Fallon you don't mind if I leave my daughter Bada with you until I sort my things out for classes later, right?" I see Badas head shooting to her mother with a look of 'don't leave me here with her'. 

"Yeah, it's no problem. I could use someone to help with the music." With that Miss Lee heads out leaving us alone. The tension in the room just became thick. None of us daring to speak up. I clear my throat.

"I'm just gonna continue with my routine." I turn back around and wait for the next song to set in. 

"Yeah, I'll just sit down over here." She points to a spot on the floor right next to the entrance. 

The music starts. And of course me and my luck, it's 'Act II. Scene 4' the swan theme. Probably the most famous piece of ballet ever written. I don't let it faze me though. My body starts moving to the rhythm, hitting every beat and step exactly right. My face conveys the feelings of the music. I feel my eyes closing and I imagine myself on the big stage of 'Opera Garnier' dancing with no care in the world. Completely forgetting the existence of everything around me. No dance room, no mirrors and no Bada. Just me. Me and the music. So in-sync with each other as if we've always been together. I am so lost in the music that I don't notice Bada moving from the back of the room to the front. Leaning on the mirror and just admiring my every move. I can feel the heat radiating off my body and the air getting stuffy but I just continue not letting anything stop me from finishing my routine. The music comes to an end and I move myself into the final position slowly opening my eyes again. 

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