The Hybrid.

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I ran in the forest, listening to my Demon, vampire, and werewolf bicker about something they disagreed on. Let me explain. I'm a hybrid, and I think I'm the only one, actually. Demons are witches, and you should know what a vampire and werewolf are. I was very lucky to get all of them, and I love them all. But I'm a monster. So I haft to stay away from society, and only to have my mother and grand mother bring me daily stuff I request.

I stopped running as I passed along the soft forest floor, my stockings should be damp but since I'm part witch, I don't get wet from earth because it's one of my elements. I looked around, as my clothes disappeared, and I walked into a small crystal clear pond I made. Since I'm in the middle of nowhere, no ones ever found me, and I own this whole forest. When I first got here, I marked myself as a rouge and marked this place as my own. I love it here, I have my dream house, all the plain stuff I love and very simplicity to it. I love being by myself.

After a while of swimming, I snapped my fingers as a pair of long socks and a sweater covered my body, along with a bra and some panties.

After a while, I walked into my home and walked over to my tiny stove, and sat Indian style in front of it as I focused on making a cup of tea with my eyes. I started the flame of my burner and waited for the water to heat, taking the kettle I poured it into a mug and put some organic tea leaves I found into it. I took off the flames and wrapped my hand around the warm cup, putting it to my lips as I sat on my window seat, staring out into the forest as it lightly drizzled.

I sat the empty cup down, as I had been sitting there for a few hours I got up and stretched my arms, and heard a scratching noise on my door with my sensitive hearing. I walked over to my door as I rubbed my numb bum, sliding my feet against the wood.

I opened the door to see what the hell was dumb enough to go into my territory, to see a small cat. I crouched down and tucked my sweater under my ass, and observed the cat. I quietly crouched watching it as it did the same.
I chuckled softly and moved as the cat walked in, and shut the door and got a towel.

Finding the cat, I dropped the towel into it and rubbed soothing, warm fingers into its fur as I dried it, and the cat purred. I then removed the towel and set it into my dirty clothes, and scooped up the animal and held it close to my chest, bringing my knees as close as I could to my while the cat was in my lap, I stared right back into its eyes as it stared at mine. I heard my stomach growl and frowned, setting the cat down as I walked into the kitchen.

Sitting down in front of my stove again, I filled up a small pan with water and put seasonings in it while in another pan I sizzled some lean meat.

I then got up and cut up some fresh vegetables and put them into the broth, cutting up the lean meat into chunks and adding it too.

Thirty minutes later, I grabbed a scooping spoon from the drawer and scooped a small bowl of the soup, and grabbed a spoon, and walked back into the living room as I filled up my cup with cold tea from earlier with telekinesis. I looked up from my bowl and dropped it, seeing a naked man standing in my living room, holding my panties. I quickly grabbed the bowl before it hit the ground, and growled at the man, my eyes turning to a piercing bright green as the white turned black.

He looked at me and quickly dropped my underwear, and looking away. I cleared my throat and closed my eyes, imaging men's sweatpants and opened them, to see him in grey sweatpants now. I huffed in relief and said 'You can go have some of this, its on the stove' I said in my soft voice, my eyes turning back to their unusual bright green color they were.

I sat down at my coffee table, sitting criss cross in front of him, as he did the same, each of us observing on another. My wolf was growling territorially, angry that he was on our land. I cooed soothing nothings to them as my eyes glazed over, and my eyebrows scrunched together. I look up at him to see him biting his bottom lip, staring at my lips then at my eyes.

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