The Beast.

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I woke up in cuffs chained to my wrists and ankles, and wearing red lingerie bottoms. I felt an arm around my waist and turned around to see him sleeping peacefully.

I pulled on the chains with no luck, I sighed out. I then heard him murmur onto my neck 'Mine forever'. My breathing hitched as I noticed where in my house. I pulled in the chains more, as tears slid down my face as I tried to get out of them. he then lowly growled 'Stop pulling on them and go back to sleep.'

I looked at them and grew my nail out and picked the lock. I then picked the other locks and slipped out of the bed, only to hear my consciences purring and wanting his touch. I then got livid and started yelling 'YOU GUYS REALLY WANT HIM WHEN HE DRUGGED US AND TOUCHED US WITHOUT PERMISSION?' They all nodded there heads and I scoffed, and walked into my bathroom for a bath.

I got out, only to find a note and a pile of more lingerie. I growled and opened the note and read.

'Sweetheart, I left you some more clothes under this note. Don't try getting your clothes, I out a spell on that damned door. You'll wear this and only this and what I pick out. I'll be back later, Love you.

I felt hot tears dripping down my face as I realized he's never letting me leave. I didn't realized my consciences had token over until I realized I clipped the last piece of my stockings around my waist. I growled at them and they only giggled. I walked over to the mirror to see what I was wearing. I screeched as I saw that I was indeed very tiny lingerie, and my breasts practically hanging out.

I groaned as I sat down on the bed. I then crawled under the covers and fell asleep.

I woke up to someone slapping my ass and wolf whistling. I looked over and glared at him, showing him my hatred in my eyes. He smirked and scooped me up.

I growled as I sat on his lap as he was in a meeting with other alphas as they all stared at me lustfully as he didn't let me change. He nuzzled his face in my neck and my consciences sighed in satisfaction and made me lean into him, his arms wrapped around right under my breasts as they sat on his arms. I huffed angrily as I tried to move my shackled ankle from the ground, but with no avail. He then placed soft kisses on my neck and squeezed me tighter he leaned up and began talking to other Alphas.

After the meeting, he carried me over his shoulder with leather shackled around my wrists and ankles. Squirming around I screamed at my with to get us out of here. As soon as I said that, my eyes changed a and I muttered a teleportation spell as I landed on my couch by myself.

I heard a booming voice in my head making my consciences weak in the knees say 'WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU ROSE?' I cut off the connection and muttered 'Fuck a Duck' under my breath as I used my alpha female strength to snap the shackles and pull them off.

I was laying on my couch as I heard the front door slam open then close, and bounding feet heading my way. I quickly slid up off the couch, and waved my fingers as vins began making a barrier in the walkway to the living room. He roared in anger as his eyes turned black and he tugged on the vines, making some snap as I began getting exhausted. He then growled again and muttered something under his breath as I felt my connection to my consciences dwindling, as my vines fell down I dropped to the floor as my knees buckled, and everything went black.

I groaned in pain as I felt a searing pain in my wrists and ankles, and around my waist. I could feel faint telling in my head as I groggily looked around, everything in a blur as I tried to connect with my conscience, I got a reply with nothing. Nothing there.
I began ignoring the pain as I began frantically pulling on the cuffs, as I began screaming as it burned my skin.

The lights blinked off as I saw a door open then close, as it went back to complete darkness. I closed my eyes as I dulled the pain as I get his show squeak on the ground. He then walked up behind me and grabbed my ass, making me growl and yank on the chains as he laughed and said 'You can't leave now. your mine.'

Matter screaming for hours and hours, my throat felt quite hoarse as I couldn't speak and it hurt to swallow, I sat on the ground with my legs bent, my feet by my butt as I slouched forward, softly whimpering and sobbing as I gripped me hands tightly and bit my lip.

I woke up to be in a bed and having my cheek stroked. I swatted at his hand and crawled away, only to feel weak and found myself scooting to him as I began feeling instantly better. He then whispered in my neck 'Without me and your consciences, you'll die.'
Realization hit like a ton of bricks as I blacked out again.

Hot damn.
Poor rose

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