A Doctor's Oppointment, And yet, Another Surprise!

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I woke up to feel Jaxson's hand on my stomach and on hand playing with my hair I. I felt the baby move around, I felt my consciences send waves of happiness to the growing pup Down there. I smiled inwardly and slowly sat up, muttering to myself 'Being as big as a house isn't attractive.' I heard Jaxson growl before two arms wrapped around me and my stomach as his hands formed a heart together as he rested his head on my back and mumbled into my shirt 'Babe, you look fine okay? Now let's get dressed to see the pack doctor and I'll make some Rose Petal Tea for you.' I nodded and stood up, resting my right hand softly on my protruding stomach as I made soundless footsteps into my closet and picked out an outfit.

I adjusted the cute sundress I was wearing as I sat at my vanity table doing my makeup as I but my hair in an elegant bun. I then slid in some diamond studs and walk out just to see Jaxson wearing a white T-shirt with some jeans and Vans. I smiled at him as I walked over to him with a hand on my stomach, looping my other arm through his protruding arm. I looked at him and smiled more as he had a goofy grin on his face as we walked out of his house and into our woods, to the pack house.

Once we got there, we said a few hellos to stray pack members as we made our way to a different building, The doctors workplace.

I gulped, and slid my hand into Jaxsons warm hand and have it a squeeze, looking up at him as he looked down at me I let him feel my nervousness that my consciences and I were feeling.
He smiled reassuringly and opened the door for me, as he followed in tow.

To say I was a little nervous would be an understatement. I had never been to the doctors, Ever. I took a few deep breaths as the baby kicked as I held my hand on my stomach, the other on the wall as Jaxson held my shoulders, looking at me Worriedly. I have him a reassuring smile as I let go of the wall and opened the room door I was in, as the doctor waited for us.
Hearing our arrival, The doctor's head snapped up as she instantly said in a warm voice 'Alpha! Luna! So glad to see you guys, now take a seat Luna, and I'll start shortly.'

She began rubbing a gel-like substance that was cold on my stomach that made me shiver. She then put on a thing I have never seen before onto my stomach and moved it around. as on cue, she then said 'This tool helps us see the baby, and determine the gender and if it has a good heartbeat.'

As we looked at the screen, she then heard its heartbeat. As she moved the contraption around, another heartbeat joined. I gasped and looked at Jaxson as he grinned knowingly. I glared at him and snatched my hand out of his, sending him a death glare as he flinched. I then turned back to the doctor as we heard once again, another two heartbeats join in. I began seeing black dots as I heard her words ' L-Luna..Your having quadruplets.'

I woke up back home laying on the bed with my shoes token off and wearing some shorts and a t-shirt. I got up and rubbed my eyes, just as I remembered what I was told today. My hands began shaking as I boomed my voice at my consciences 'WHY THE HELL EOULD YOU MAKE SO MANY PUPS?' Then replied with 'So each of them are stronger in one of your four powers, and his combined.' I growled grumpily and sighed, rubbing soothing circles on my stretched stomach.

I got up and walked into the kitchen and looked into the living room to see him sitting there nervously looking at me. I smiled cheekily before it quickly turned into a glare as I dropped my voice to a deadly tone 'So, Mate. When were you going to tell me there was more than one?'

He bit his lip nervously, looking anywhere but where I was. I the stuttered 'I-Uh I W-Wanted it to be a surprise?' As he said that he scratched the back of his neck, looking at the floor. I growled and turned back into the kitchen, ending the conversation.

I then put some rose petals a water into a pan as I stirred them to make my tea.
Once finished, I drained the water out of the flower petals and put the tea in a cup and a pitcher as I added a few petals to the pitched and put it in the fridge. I then grabbed my cup and sat down in a chair and began slowly sipping it, rubbing my stomach.

I set the empty glass in the sink and headed back into our room for a much needed bubble bath.
Starting the water to almost too hot, I began squeezing the bubble container right under the running faucet as tons of bubbles began appearing. I then stepped in and welcomed the instant blanket of warmth and bubbles as I sinked back and turned if off once the water was around my neck. I sighed happily as I began washing my body, and rubbing down my hairless legs and body parts as I stood as the water began quickly draining.

Standing for about two minutes waiting for the water to leave, I turned on the shower and washed my hair and body off as k then shut it off and stepped out and brushed my teeth.

I then went into my room and grabbed a comfy bra and some black cotton panties as I slid them on with some of his pajama pants and a white t-shirt. I looked down at my sticking out stomach and kissed three of my fingers and put it to my stomach, smiling softly as I felt their heartbeats pick up before calming down.

I slid my hand down and crawled into bed under his arm, and dreamed about our four rug-rats who have yet to join us in this world.

Well damn, four kids?! That's going to be fun. Anyways,
And I'll see you in the next chapter!
(Oh and sorry for taking so long! I had major writers block >~<!)

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