Until Next Time!

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4 Years later.


I walked out of my room to see my four Cubs waiting patiently at the table with a fork and knife in each little hand. I laughed softly as I walked over to a flustered Jaxson as he tries to cook almost-burnt bacon and omelets.

I bump him out of the way with my hip and take the spatula, and flip over the omelet and take out the bacon and set it on the awaiting paper plate.

I continued this process until all of the food was finished and made my plate and sat down with my family to enjoy breakfast. after feeding my little vacuums and my big vacuum, I threw away the empty plates and set the silverware into the sink.

Like usual, my consciences bickered with each other about some nonsense they don't agree about as all of us slid on jackets and rain boots and walked out of the house, heading to the packhouse.

As we walked in, everyone bowed their heads at us in submission, as I softly giggled at my two boys pushing out there chests and walking the 'Macho' walk. Raine hid behind my leg, like always as she looked at everyone with curious eyes, taking in everything as Isabelle-Grace walked ahead, giggling and running around saying her 'Hello!'
I smiled and looked at our children as they ran upstairs with the betas and deltas children, running into the game room as other kids and teens hung out in there. I took Jaxson's hand in my small one, giving his a squeeze and giving him my 100-Watt smile. He smiled back as we walked into his office and sat in our chairs, quickly masking our emotions with our work faces as we Began our duties, making treaties, signing papers, and talked to pack members as they walked in.

About two hours into working, o heard one word that kicked in my alpha and mother instincts to perfect my children and Pack. that one word was 'Rouges.'

I quickly shot up from the desk, booming in the pack link that were under attack and to get the females and children into the cellar, as the Warriors and able men make there way around.
I looked at a very flushed and angry Jaxson, as he walked out of the house, trembling as he was about to shift. I ran after him and place my hand on his bicep, stopping the shaking as hundreds of rouges began marching toward us, as a singular one walked up to us, mock-bowing toward us.

My eyes turned bright green with black as the whites of my eyes, feelings my hands and body burnt and tingle as my consciences growled, hissed, and roared. I looked at Jaxson and sent waves of calmness to calm him and the aggravated pack down, to keep them on focus. The rouge then said in a deep voice, 'My My Jaxson, She's sure pretty.
But I'm not here for her, I feel my mate is one of your children and I have come to take her.'

I scare he's at him, a very high pitched war cry as my powers exploded from me, as my wolf formed into a wolf as big as a van and was on fire. The rouge had fear in his eyes as I roared louder than ten lions and grizzly bears combined. I glared at him as my canines grew even longer, and my claws thicker and sharper. I then vent down into a attack position as I glared at the rouge, growling and snapping y jaws at him as my consciences whined to kill him. I nodded my head in approval but didn't think it was best to do.

He then raised his hands in a surrender motion, saying 'Hold on Momma Bear, I'm not done talking.'
I growled a very deep, chest rattling and dangerous growl, as I glared at him. My consciences taking over, they said through my wolf mouth in an animalistic and demonic voice combined 'Then continues talking, Pup.'

He scoffed and then said 'Okay, Okay. So I know I poked the Bears with the stick, but she's my mate! I only see it to be fair if she comes with me, I'll give you a choice. Either you give me my mate, or you come with m-'

He stopped talking and looked behind me. I turned around and followed his eyes, to see Raine standing on the porch, her claws inlonggated as she softly growled at the rouge, as she heavily breath and one eye glowing Bright blue and one Bright purple.
I looked at her as she slowly walked forward, standing by me as she looked up at the rouge, as the rouge loomed star-Struck. I roared as I saw Raine flinch slightly, turning her attention to me as my wolf took full control and said in a motherly but possessive animalistic voice, and said in a language I didn't even know I knew, she then said 'go revocatos intra ad Fratribus vestris, iuvenes lupus!'
"go back inside to your brothers and sisters young wolf!"
Raine growled back as she said very fast and angrily 'sed momma i opus ad auxilium vobis et pater ! hoc te mihi odiosas Quit fuco !' "but momma i need to help you and father! dont make me leave you with this nasty rouge!" She said this as a single tear slid down her right cheek. I gave her a small sad wolffish smiled and nuzzled my being head to her cheek, absorbing her tear into my fur as I whispered into her ear 'parum lupus , mater redire post hoc sermone erant, purus?' "little wolf, mother will return after this conversation, okay? "
I looked into her bright doe eyes as she nodded softly and muttered, 'Okay Momma.' And ran back into the pack house.

I then turned back to the rouge and spat out, 'How. Dare. You.' before I jumped onto him and ripped his head off clean.

Looking at Jaxson, I see his face holds two emotions Pride, and Anger.

I let out a roar as we began easily overpowering the rouges, letting war hit.

After a few hours of blood, cracking, cries of pain, and only seeing red, I shrunk back down full of adrenaline but was exhausted. Finding Jaxson and checking to see if he had any scratches or marks, which he didn't, he did the same to me. Once done checking, I have him a big hug and kisses his bare chest and the spot of my mark as her shivered under my touch, softly moaning in my ear. This one sound cause a wild fire of need in my core as my walls clenched, wanting him inside us. My consciences growled posse socket and lustfully, before I pulled away with his arm around my waist as mine was around his as we walked back to the pack house.

Upon entering, we were tackled by our growing children and tackled in kisses and hugs as we layer there and laughed, holding them.
After sitting there for a while, we called in every pack member, and began discussing what just happened. We then decided we needed to celebrate as our win for no one getting anything worse than a small scratch.

Three hours later, a bunch of full pack members, a huge campfire and lots of dancing and a beer or two, everyone was happy.

I swayed with Jaxson's arms around me from behind, standing quite far away from the crowd but close enough to see the glow of fire. He rested his mouth by my earlobe and whispered, 'I love you Rose, so much.'


Well maybe, still deciding if I should do a second book mainly based on the children, still deciding which character to do as the main character.
Well, let me know if you loved this book with a vote!

Comment if I should or shouldn't write a sequel to it, or if I should!
Anyways, have a great day lovelys and thank you for reading my books!!

If you've read this, check out my other book, 'Mates Suck'

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