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The proffeser giving lecture while you were sitting at back thinking about your marriage...

Y/n's mind: Kim Taehyung!! Who is he? ... And why do I feel like I've heard that name before....Ahhh focus y/n focus!!! Focus on the lecture not him...

Jimin saw you are not paying attention on the lecture

He thought that you are still angry on him so he approached to you secretly while you didn't notice him

He sit behind you seat and backhugged you

Y/n's pov:

I am not paying attention at the class beacuse of my marriage thoughts and suddenly I feel strong muscular arms hugged me tightly

I flinched but didn't shout ..... I immediately turned around and saw Jimin

I am scared as hell Because I think that proffeser saw us like that mean while Jimin is giving me flirty smirk and i have him a unbelievable look

I look back at the proffeser and felt relief beacuse he was writing at the board for past few minutes...

I again turned around and give him a death glare while whispering.

Y/n: What do you want now ?...*whisper*

Jimin: You..*smirk*..*whisper*

Y/n:*Sighed* fuck off !!..

Jimin: I am sorry baby!!

Y/n: Sorry?!! For what? And whom you called baby here??...

Jimin: Sorry for teasing you and  you are the baby here beacuse there is no one I am talking accept you so obviously you are the baby ....

Y/n: Why are you doing that kind of things if you ended with saying sorry everytime...

Jimin: Beacuse i love to teasing you*wide smile*....

You melt on his pretty smile and smile backed to him...

Y/n: Aishh!! You Mochi...

Jimin: *giggled* You look so cute while smiling...

Y/n: Yah! Now don't apply your flirty

ines on me it's doesn't work on me at all...

You both whispering while Rose who is sitting beside you is called your name beacuse proffeser is looking at us

And we were so lost in our conversations that we didn't even realize that the professor was watching us.

Rose: Y/n ... Y/n...Y/N!!.....*scream*

Y/n: What!! Why are you screaming!! Don't you know we are at class ... What if proffeser see us be quiet!..

Rose giving you a Unbelievable look while every starting laughing

You notice at the surrounding and then at the proffeser who was giving a a death glare to you both ...

Jimin was so chilled beacuse it's not his first time to caught by proffeser and get punished but you are scared as hell...

Jimin understood and hold your hand while standing up and you both approached to the proffeser

He apologized to the proffeser while you too and quietly get out of the class..

You didn't understood that why is Jimin taking you out of the class but you didn't say anything

You both quietly move out and the lecture begin again ...

Y/n: Jimin!! What's that !! Why we get out of the class ??... Proffeser didn't said anything to us !!..

Jimin: hmm I know ....

Y/n: Then..

Jimin: Then what y/n ... Leave it now let's goo somewhere... let's enjoy...

Y/n:*Sighed* So you are not going to changed at all...

Jimin nodded cutely and you chuckled at his cuteness

He understoods you very well he knows that you are scared so to claim you he quietly accept his mistake and quietly move out of the class with me

While generally he doesn't accept his mistake and make the whole lecture in argument with proffeser

But he knows you are sensitive so just for you he did that and didn't wanted to tell you but you already understood so you also didn't asked again to him...


Y/n: Hmm

Jimin: As long as you are with me, understand this thing that I will never hurt you nor will I let anyone else and if someone hurts you even a little, no one will be worse than me.



SOMETHING IS HIDDEN||KIM TAEHYUNG|| FANFICTION ?Where stories live. Discover now