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We move to Song kang's office to meet Felix...

Y/n: Tae!

Taehyung: Y/n! I don't think it's right!
Please say no to me !. I don't you to meet him!. He is unsafe!..

Y/n: Don't worry! I will handle tae!.. you can trust me!..

He nodded....

After few times we reached at Song kang office...

Song: You guys came!..

Y/n: Song!. I want to meet Felix!..

Song: Are u sure?...

I nodded...

He looked at Taehyung and Taehyung nodded too..

He agreed and took me to the room where Felix locked in...

Song: Y/n! We are watching you from CCTV , if we see something wierd then we will immediately come to you!.. Also take this..

He said by giving me a small red button...

Y/n:What is this?..

Song: Emergency button!. Whenever you feel unsafe just click it we will come towards you!..

I nodded...

With that Him and Taehyung gone and I went inside in the room...

I saw Felix lying on the floor...

Y/n: Felix!..

He looked at me and pass me a creepy smile...

Felix: *creepy laugh* u came!..

Y/n: Y-Yeah!..

I get little scared after hearing his voice but still try to pretend strong....

I slowly moved towards him and he slowly woked up ....

Felix: So! How's ur life babygirl?..

Y/n: Don't u dare to call me that!

Felix: *laugh* Well! U are nothing to told me what to do or what to call!..

Y/n: Exactly!. If I am nothing to you then why did you stole my child!?...

Felix: Nothing just a revenge!..

Y/n: Just a revenge?. It is just for you?.. Don't you have any feelings?. Aren't you are a Lil bit sensitive?...

Felix: U expect me to be sensitive?. seriously!.. after locking me in hell for freaking years u really expect to be sensitive for other?..

Y/n: I didn't locked you in hell .. it's all your fault!..

Felix: Yeah! Yeah! Right!.. it's my fault!. But can't u give another chance to me!.. U know what , you destroyed my life!..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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